রবিবার, ১৮ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৫ ০০:০০ টা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

জাহিদ নূর কাজল, সাবেক শিক্ষক ন্যাশনাল আইডিয়াল স্কুল, ঢাকা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

[পূর্ব প্রকাশের পর]
5.     Change the sentences according to directions.
    a. Traffic jam is a common phenomenon of our life. (interrogative)
    b. It is a big problem. (negative)
    c. How terrible the problem is! (assertive)
    d. Who is free from this problem. (assertive)
    e. Very few problems are as serious as it. (superlative)
    f. The city people are the worst sufferers. (simple)
    g. People going out in peak hour suffer a lot. (complex)
    h. The government has addressed the problem seriously. (passive)
    i. Traffic rules must be followed strictly. (active)
    j. By solving this problem we can lead a happy life. (complex)
6.    Change the sentences according to directions.     1×10=10
    a. Campus violence is a common phenomenon nowadays. (interrogative)
    b. Every student of the universities is a victim of it. (negative)
    c.  How horrible campus violence is! (assertive)
    d. Political leaders use our innocent students as tools. (passive)
    e. Many innocent students fall victim to it. (complex)
    f. Political will is needed to solve this problem. (active)
    g. Campus violence is the worst of any violence, (positive)
    h. It is sure that campus violence is an evil. (simple)
    i. No other phenomenon is an harmful as campus violence for the students. (superlative)
    j. People believe that student politics should be stopped. (compound)
7.     Change the sentences according to directions.     1×10=10
    a. Dhaka is an old city. (negative)
    b. Everybody wants to live in Dhaka. (interrogative)
    c. The history of Dhaka is very rich. (exclamatory)
    d. Mughal emperor Jahangir set up this city. (passive)
    e. Those who live in Dhaka fall victim of pollution. (simple)
    f. Dhaka is the biggest city in Bangladesh. (comparative)
    g. We must keep Dhaka clean. (passive)
    h. Despite congestion, Dhaka has a rich heritage. (compound)
    i. Dhaka is called the city of mosque. (active)
    j. Dhaka stands on the famous Buriganga river. (complex)
8.     Change the sentences according to directions.     1×10=10
    a. Honesty is a great virtue. (complex)
    b. An holiest man is respected by all.  (active)
    c. My brother was honest for which he was rewarded. ( simple)
    d. If you are honest you will always be trusted. (compound)
    e. So we should be honest in our life. (negative)
    f. Day-to-day life in the city is not cheap (Affirmative).
    g. People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life (Complex).
    h. Very few problems for them are as big a price hike (Superlative).
    i. The government has taken necessary steps to keep the price hike under control (Passive).
    j. The greedy people are responsible for price spiral. (Compound).
Answer Sheet :
5.    a. Isn’t traffic jam a common phenomenon of our life?
    b. It is not a small problem.
    c. The problem is very terrible.
    d. None is free from this problem.
    e. It is one of the most serious problems.
    f. People living in the city are the worst sufferers.
    g. People who go out in peak hour suffer .a lot.
    h. The problem has been addressed seriously by the government.
    i. People must follow traffic rules strictly.
    j. If we solve this problem, we can lead a happy life
6.     a. Isn’t campus violence a common phenomenon nowadays?
    b. There is no student of the universities but victim of it.
    c. Campus violence is very horrible.
    d. Our innocent students are used as tools by political leaders.
    e. Many students who are innocent fall victim to it.
    f. We need political will to solve this problem.
    g. No other violence is as bad as campus violence.
    h. Surely campus violence is an evil.
    i. Campus violence is the most harmful phenomenon for the students.
    j. Student politics should be stopped and people believe it.
7.     a. Dhaka is not a new city.
    b. Who doesn’t want to live in Dhaka?
    c. How rich the history of Dhaka is !
    d. This city was set up byMughal emperor Jahangir.
    e. People living in Dhaka fall victim of pollution.
    f. Dhaka is bigger than any other  city in Bangladesh.
    g. Dhaka  must be kept by us.
    h. Though Dhaka is congestion, it has a rich heritage.
    i. People  call Dhaka  the city of mosque.
    j. Dhaka stands on the  Buriganga which is a famous river.
8.     a. Honesty is a virtue which is great.
    b. All respect an honest man.
    c. My brother was rewarded because of his honesty.
    d. Be honest and you will always be trusted. (e) Se we should not be dishonest in our life.
    f. Day-to-day life in the city is  costly.
    g. People who live  below the poverty line lead a miserable life.
    h.  Price hike is one of the  biggest  problems for them.
    i.  Necessary steps have been taken by the government  to keep the price hike under control.
    j. Some people are  greedy and they  are responsible for price spiral.
7.     a. – he keeps.
     b. -he could not come to school.
    c. –you will fail I the examination.
    d. - you will miss the train.
    e. -  that he can’t walk.
8.     a. Honesty is a virtue which is great.
    b. All respect an honest man.
    c. My brother was rewarded because of his honesty.
    d. Be honest and you will always be trusted.
    e. Se we should not be dishonest in our life.
     f. Day-to-day life in the city is  costly.(g) People who live  below the poverty line lead a miserable life.(h) Price hike is one of the  biggest problems for them. (i)  Necessary steps have been taken by the government  to keep the price hike under control.(j) Some people are  greedy and they  are responsible for price spiral. 7. (a) – he keeps. ( b) -he could not come to school. (c) – you will fail I the examination. (d)  - you will miss the train. (e) -  that he can’t walk.

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