রবিবার, ১৩ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৫ ০০:০০ টা

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

শেখ শামীম আহমেদ পরিচালক, শহীদ ক্যাডেট একাডেমী, উত্তরা

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

সাধারণ জ্ঞান

1.    Suppose you want to save your writer poems in the computer for a long time . which device will you use for this ?
        RAM/ Hard disk drive / processor
2.    Which one acts a both input device and output  device and output device?    
        Monitor/Touch screen/key board.
3.    How many parts are in a memory?
4.    Which is the source of sending output?    
        Monitor / keyboard / Mouse.
5.     Which country is to in the world by exporting garment in USA?
6.    I which continent Ebola virus has spread?
7.    What is the latest Cyclone in Bay of Bengle?
8.    What is the  name of greatest Economy country in the world?
9.    What is the ancient name of Dhaka?
10.    What is the full name of SI system?
11.    Who discovered that water is a compound?
12.    Which is not in air?
    Carbon di-Oxide/Oxygen / Nitrogen
13.    In which district is the Mongla sea-port situated?
14.    Which is the  international Unit of temperature?
15.    Who is the  architect of 'Aparajeya Bangla;?
16.    The sensory cells are connected to the  ------------------------ by special nerves?
17.    The periscope is made by applying the  reflection of light ----------
18.    The  motion of the handle of a cycle pamper is --------------------------------- motion .
19.    Non-living environment consists of ------------------------------- components.
20.    Who must not be deprived of their right?
21.    On which date was the constitution of Bangladesh adopted?
22.    Which is the  most essential and most significant sector of our economy?
23.    Rearrange the following jumbled letters into a meaningful word .. HARDIM
24.    What number will be in the asterisked (*) place
    50    19     31    70    *   11    80     41    39
25.    What number will be in the asterisked (*) place?     9,16,25,36, *
26.    ABM  stand for =, 27. BBC stand for =
28.    CA stand for =, 29. GNP stand for =
30.    DNA stand for =.
 N.B : For information on cadet college admission preparation and related matters, call 01714359692 [shahid cadet]. Those who want to sit for the exam, get preparation from now on.

সর্বশেষ খবর