মঙ্গলবার, ৭ আগস্ট, ২০১৮ ০০:০০ টা

এইচএসসি ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

এম এ হামিদ খান

(পূর্ব প্রকাশের পর)

            e. The female children are welcome/neglected/ tortured from the very beginning of their lives.

            Answer: a. unwanted b. enlighten c. complement

            d. physique      e. neglected.

2.         True/False? If false, give the correct information.

            a. Most of the times girls are asked to do work outside home.

            b. Gender discrimination results from a sense of inferiority complex of the girls.

            c. Gender discrimination is prevalent in Bangladesh.

            d. The girls suffer from various diseases as a result of less eating everyday.

            e. Usually male children are encouraged to have more.

            Answer: a. False. Most of the times girls are asked to work at home.

            b. False. Gender discrimination results from the superstitious outlook of the society.  c. True.   d. True.  e. True.

3.         Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. Add any preposition if necessary.

            a. The male members of the family (give) ____ best food.

            b. The female children (escort) ___ by male members.

            c. The academic career of a girl stops as soon as she (marriage) __.

            d. They are not (permission) _____ go out of home by the male members.

            e. The girls are (confine) ______ domestic chores.

            Answer: a. are given  

            b. are escorted    c. is married off  

            d. permitted to  e. confined to.


4.  Make a list of five points about the attitude of people towards the girls.

            Answer: Information transfer A list of five points about the attitude of people towards the girls is given below:

            i. Born to an unwelcome world.

            ii. Confined to household chores.

            iii. Made them understand to take less food.

            iv. Asked to preserve the best food available for the male members.

            v. Not permitted to go out without being escorted by the male members.

সর্বশেষ খবর