সোমবার, ৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৩ ০০:০০ টা

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্রের একটি মডেল টেস্ট তৈরি করেছেন সিলেট ইন্টারন্যাশনাল স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজের উপাধ্যক্ষ- জি এম আমিনুল ইসলাম

   Marks :100 Time : 3 Hours
Part-A : Grammar (40 marks)
1. Complete the passage with suitable verbs. Give them their correct tenses.   1×5=5
A teacher is an architect of a nation. He (a) ___ an important role in building up an educated nation. He (b) ___the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He (c) ___ to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He is able to hold the attention and interest of his students. He (d) ___ motionless before his class. He (e) ___ lessons interesting to students.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. 1×5=5
I have no interest (a) ___ music, but I have very much liking for English, for I am quite good (b) ___ English. Yet at times, I am fully absorbed (c) ___ my job. It is a matter (d) ___ responsibility. We believe, in the whole world, the knowledge  (e) ___ English is a must.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed.   0.5×10=5
The Process of globalisation obviously requires (a) ___common language for international (b) ___communication. For many different reasons, English has achieved (c) ___prestige of being that (d) ___ language because it is (e) ___ international language. It is no longer (f) __unique possession of British or American or other native-speaker people  (g) but ___language that belongs to (h) ___ world’s people. This phenomenon had led to (i) ___ bewildering variety of (j) ___ English around the world.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list :          1×5=5
   otherwise   but  so   although
however  which   accordingly
Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) ___  most of the people are careless in this respect. The people of this country have achieved  national identity by dint of a great sacrifice (b) ___is still evaluated nationally. (c) ___some selfish people never want to give their recognition (d) ___ , we all should do some benevolent activities. (e) ___ , we will be indebted to the nation.
5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech.   5
“What do you want?” asked Nadir, Jalal answered, “ I only want to come in. I’m very tired. Please, let me come inside. Afterwards, I’ll go away.”
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed.   1×5=5
a. English is more used than any other language (Positive). b. Organizations frequently need employees who have a good command over English (Simple) c. There are many companies and they provide English language training for their staff (Complex) d. Many believe that English helps people to get good jobs and better salaries  (Passive). e. English is spoken all over the world  (Active).
7. Fill in the blanks with tag questions.                                                                         1×5=5
: I need to go to a psychiatrist, (a) ___?
: I don’t think so. There may be reason for your forgetfulness. Let’s discuss the matter (b), ___?
: I would if i had the time, (c) ——? 
You know I’m very busy nowadays.
: This of your business might be the reason for the forgetfulness, ___?
: Nothing is impossible in my case, 
` (d) ___?
: Life should have a proper charm. Your physique needs rest. Everybody must take proper recreation, (e) ___?
8. Complete the following sentences.   10
a. I purchase books whenever ___.
b. On the 21 February, I went to Ekushey Boi Mela which ___.
c. I went to the book fair so that ___.
d. There I found hundreds of bookstalls where  ___.
e. I was delighted that ___.
9. Complete the following passage with suitable words :   0.5×10=5
Truthfulness is a noble (a) ___. It is considered to be the (b) ___ and noblest of all virtues. It denotes the (c) ___ habit of speaking the truth. It is synonymous with the (d) ___ straight forwardness. This very simple and unique virtue (e) ___ a man nothing but earns for him a lot. For example, it crowns a man with (f) ___ and dignity. Besides, every body believes him and (g) ___ him. Furthermore, he always enjoys (h) ___ ease and peace. He is (i) ___ of none but the Almighty. But sometimes a (j) ___ man is to face an untoward situation and may fall prey to some culprits.
Part B : Composition (60 marks)
10. Suppose, prices of essential commodities have risen rapidly. Write a report on it.   10
11. Write a composition on the Tree plantation.   15
12. Read the following advertisement and write a job application in response to it.     10
Vacancy Announcement A well reputed multinational company is in need of a Personal Assistant for the Marketing Manager. Qualification : i. Masters in Commerce discipline. ii. Smart and emetic spirit. Apply with a complete CV by 19 December 2013.
To the Managing Director
Mark’s International Company
15/8, Mohakhali C/A. Dhaka-1206.
13. Suppose, you are a student of class eleven. Suddenly, you have been attacked with fever. So, you want to leave the college early. Now, write a dialogue between you and Principal of your college.     10
14. Complete the story following the cue. 15
There was a king who was very fond of eating. Once it so happened that he fell seriously ill and could not attend his court. The king was now in trouble……………..

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