বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০১৪ ০০:০০ টা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা-২০১

ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা-২০১

Part-A: Grammar (40 Marks)
1.     Complete the following passage with
    suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negative where needed:     5
    hold    bring   dispel   sit
    education   build    suit

    A teacher is an architect of a nation. He plays an important role in (a) ..... up an educated nation. He (b) ... the darkness of ignorance form the lot of  a nation. While he (c) ..... his act according to the need of his listeners, he is able to (d) .... the attention of his students. He (e) .... motionless before his class.
2.    Use articles where necessary. Put a cross where an article is not needed: 5
    Bangladesh is (a) ...land of rivers. There is hardly any country in (b) ... world which has so many rivers. They provide us (c) ..lot of fish all (d) ...year round. Fishing plays (e) …important role in our national economy and helps us in (f) .. various ways. About half (g) ....million people of our country are engaged in (h) ....fishing. It helps us to go (i) ..long way to solve (j) ...unemployment problem of our country.
3.    Put a suitable preposition in each blank:     5
    A poor man suffers (a) .. many things. He desires (b) ..wealth. He is deprived (c) .. the basic needs. But he is contented (d) .. what he has. He does not run (e) ..wealth.
4.     Complete the following sentences with phrases/idioms from the list: 5
    tell upon   dilly dally    take after
blue blood boast of   
ten to one  in a body

    a. The girl ........ her mother.
    b. ......... he is coming tonight.
    c. Smoking has ........ his health.
    d. The lady boasts of her...........
    e. Don’t .......... to do your duties.
5.     Change the speech of the following passage:    5
    “Why are you putting up to the food in your pocket, sir? Why don’t you eat?” said the noble man, I am doing the right thing. “My dress deserves these rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saadi. “ I do not understand what you mean to say.” said the nobleman. “And I’m sorry.”
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in the brackets:    5
    (a) Day-to-day life in the city is not cheap (Affirmative).(b) People living below the poverty line lead a miserable life (Complex).
    (c) Very few problems for them are as big a price hike (Superlative).(d) The government has taken necessary steps to keep the price hike under control (Passive).(e) The greedy people are responsible for price spiral. (Compound).
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences:    5
    a. The jury gave different opinions,__?
    b. Everybody longs for power, __?
    c. What a pity!, __?
    d. Don’t make a noise, __?
    e. Messier, __?
8.     Complete the following sentences:    5
    a. What cannot be cured __ .
    b. He acted as if __ .
     c. If you had any witness __ .
    d. Unless you attempt all the questions __
    e. 1971 is the year when__ .
Part-B : Composition (60 Marks)
9.     Write a paragraph about ‘Deforestation’ based on the answers to the questions given below:     10
    a. What is deforestation?
    b. What are the causes of deforestation?
    c. What are the effects of deforestation?
    d. What are the effects of deforestation on climate?
    e. What measures should be taken to stop deforestation?
10. Write a composition on (any one):     15
    a. Childhood Memories; b. The Game You Like Most.

11. Suppose you are Monir/Monira. You feel the great need of debate in life and want to arrange a debate competition in your school.
    Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school seeking his permission to arrange a debate competition in your college.     10

12. Suppose, you are Sumon/Sumona. Your friend is Fahim/Fahima. Both of you are very concerned about the pollution of environment.     10
    Now, write a dialogue between you and your friend about the environment pollution.
    Or, Write down the summary of the following passage and give a title to it:
    Man in mortal. To every man death must come sooner or later. But it matters little if a man lives a few years more or less than the others. Our life in not measured by months or years. It is truly measured by our deeds and actions. The people who live only for their own interest die unhonoured and are not remembered after their death. But those who sacrifice their lives to the service of mankind live in the hearts of men even after their death. Though they do not live in the midst of living men, they are remembered for ever by all. So, we should do good deeds for the benefit of mankind.
13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a suitable title to it.     15
    Sheikh Saadi was a famous poet of Iran. Once he was going to the court. Night fell on the was. So, he was compelled to take shelter in a rich man’s house. At that time, Saadi had very simple dress..............

 1.    (a) building, (b) dispels , (c) suits, d)  hold, (e) does not sit.
2.     (a) a, (b) the, (c) a, (d) the, (e) an , (f) × , (g) a, (h) ×, (i) a, (j) ×.
3.     (a) from, (b) of, (c) of, (d) with, (e) after.
4.     (a) takes after, (b) Ten to one,(c) told upon, (d) blue blood, (e) dilly-dally.
5.      The noble man respectfully asked why he was  putting up to the food in his pocket. He also wanted to know why he(S) did not eat. Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing.  He added that his dress deserves those rich dishes. The noble man told that he did not understand what he(S)  meant  to say. Saadi expressed his sorrow to the noble man.
6.     (a) Day-to-day life in the city is  costly.(b) People who live  below the poverty line lead a miserable life.(c)  Price hike is one of the  biggest  problems for them. (d)  Necessary steps have been taken by the government  to keep the price hike under control.(e) Some people are  greedy and they  are responsible for price spiral.
7.     (a)  ….. , didn’t they? (b) don’t they ? (c) isn’t  it? (d) will you? (e) aren’t you?
8.     (a) must be endured. (b) he had  known nothing.  
    (c) you could have proved  the case.  
    (d)  you cannot make a good  result.
    (e) we achieved freedom.

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