বুধবার, ৭ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৫ ০০:০০ টা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

Completing  Sentences

1.    Complete the sentences.     5×1=5
    a. I have a garden and..............
    b. When I get time..............
    c. I water the plants so that........
    d. I have put a fence around the garden which..............
    e. When I see the garden full of flowers..............
2.    Complete the sentences.      5×1=5
    a. A college is a seat of learning, so.....
    b. It should be a peaceful place where.....
    c. But nowadays peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because.......
    d. The students who...........
    e. The sooner it can be controlled, the.........
3.     Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
    a. Many dishonest people cut tress so that..........
    b. But if we cut tress at random......
    c.  Besides, trees bring rainfall which ..........
    d. Tress supply oxygen without which ..........
    e. Since trees help us in many ways......
4.     Complete the sentences. 1×5=5
    a. Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country........
    b. Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened.......
    c. Women who comprise half of our population........
    d. Moreover, our country is beset......    e. We all should come forward with a view to........
5.    Complete the sentences.     1×5=5
    a. We should say ‘no’ to corruption because...........
    b. Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also...........
    c. Now, it is high time ...........
    d. We should work together if ...
    e. But we are so self-centered ...
6.    Complete the sentences. 5×1=5
    a. AIDS is a fatal disease which.............. .
    b. It is such a disease that.........
    c. The first AIDS patient was a man who.............. .
    d. The doctors suggest that........
    e. There is no further remedy that......
7.    Complete the sentences.       5
    a. United we stand, .........
    b. .........know this wise saying?
    c. Unless you are united, you....
    d. The story of the old man and his sons teaches us.........
    e. It is high time we.........
8.    Complete the following sentences.         1x5=5
     a. A man is known by the company,——
    b. As he was ill,——————.  
    c. Unless you study attentively,—
    d. If you walk slowly,———.  
    e.The old woman is so weak,—.  
9.     Complete the sentences.     1x5=5
    a. There goes a proverb that—
    b. Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work lost time—
    c. Time is so valuable that——
    d. Those who have become great in life——
    e. If we make the best use of time—
10.     Complete the sentences.     1Í5=5
    a. It is true that most of the parents in our country are not interested enough to ——
    b. Parents think that spending money for the children’s education is unwise specially when———.
    c. They think female children need no education because they———.  
    d. To lesson discrimination in children’s educational status the government gives subsidy for female children so that————
    e. It is a good sign that now a days —.

Answer sheet
1    a. – it is in front of my reading room. b. – I go to my garden. c. – they can grow well. d.– protects the garden. e.– I forget the sufferings of life.
 2.     a. –we should keep it free  from violence. b. – there will not be any disturbance. c. – it is full of violence. d. – are engaged in campus violence cannot do well in the exam. e.– better will be welfare of the students.
3.     a.– they can get quick benefit. b.– our country will turn into a desert.  c. – is essential for agriculture. d.– we can’t think our existence. e. – we should plat more trees.
4.     a. – she fails to materialize development programs smoothly. b.– with numerous problems because of high density of population. c.– are still lagging behind. d. –with multi-furious problems. e. – eradicating all problems.
5. a. – it is harmful for a country. b.–  dangerous. c.–  government took steps against them. d.– we want to make a corruption free society. e.– that it is very difficult to materialize it.
6.     a. – ultimately leads to death. b.–  cannot be cured. c.–  died in the USA. d. – prevention is the  only solution so far. e. – can help man to avoid AIDS.
7.     a. – divided we fall. b. Don’t you – c. – will not become successful/will fall. d.– the value of unity. e. – were united.
8.     a. – he keeps.  b.–he could not come to school. c. – you will fail I the examination. d.–you will miss the train. e.– that he can’t walk.
9.  a. – time once lost is lost forever. b.– can’t be regained any more. c.– none should neglect it. d. – have made the proper use of time. e.–we are sure to succeed in life.
10.    a. – educate their children. b. – they can’t do good results. c. – are neglected in the society. d.– they can continue their  education. e.– girls are going to school willingly.

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