সোমবার, ১৯ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৫ ০০:০০ টা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

জাহিদ নূর কাজল, সাবেক শিক্ষক
ন্যাশনাল আইডিয়াল স্কুল, ঢাকা

এসএসসি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি : ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

[পূর্ব প্রকাশের পর]
9.     Change the sentences according to direction.               1Í10=10
    a. Success will not come to one’s life automatically. (Interrogative)
    b. Do you know it? (Passive)
    c. Industry is the most important thing for success. (Interrogative)
    d. So it is called the mother of good luck. (Active)
    e. An industries boy will shine in life. (Complex)
    f. A life with an assignment is as actual life. (Negative)
    g. A man who is lazy always curse his lot for his misfortune. (Simple)
    h. What a fool he is I (Affirmative)
    i. None can receive any reward unless he is industrious. (Simple)
    j. It is evident that industry is one of the greatest virtues. (Positive)
10.    Change the sentences according to directions.               1Í10=10
    a. Corruption is one the worst evils. (Positive)
    b. A corrupted man can do anything against morality. (Complex)
    c. People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)
    d. Nobody respects him. (Interrogative)
    e. The man who takes bribe is next to devil. (simple)
    f. Though we have strict law, we are still affected by this evil (compound)
    g. No other person is as hated as a corrupted (Superlative)
    h. We hope that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Passive)
    i. Everybody avoids a corrupted man. (Negative)
    i. A corrupted man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)
11.    Change the sentences according to directions.                1x10=10
    a. In the field of education Sir Salimullah’s contribution was greater than any other educationists. (positive)
    b. Institutions associated with his name still receive  donations. (Complex)
    c. He played a vital role in establishing_ the University of Dhaka. (Exclamatory)
    d. The orphanage established by him still providing shelter and education to the poor and the orphans. (Interrogative)
    e. These institutions always remind us of the open handed charity of this great man. (passive)
    f. It was he  who had founded the all India Muslim League. (simple)
    g. He did not live long.  (Affirmative)
    h. At the age of 48 he died. (compound)
    i. He has attained one of the  most honorable positions in the society, (comparative)
    j. With love and gratitude he will be remembered by every Bangladeshi. (Active)
12.    Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.    1×10 = 10
     a. Road accidents are a curse. (Negative)
    b. They cause a great loss to life and property. (Interrogative) But these accidents occur due to a number of reasons. c. The drivers are basically responsible for the accidents (Complex). d. Most of them hardly know the traffic rules. (Passive). e. Even if they know some rules, they hardly care for them. (Simple) f. The mango is the most popular fruit in Bangladesh. (comparative). g. It is called the king of fruits.(active)
    h. Mangoes of superior quality grow in plenty in Rajshahi, Bogra and Dinajpur.(passive). i. Again, the jackfruit is a popular fruit in our country.(negative) j. It is the largest of all fruits. (neg-interrogative)
13. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. 1×10 = 10
     a. Pahela Baishakh is the biggest festival for the people of Bangladesh. (positive) b. People wear their traditional dress on this day. (passive) c. People look very cheerful. (negative) d. There is nobody but attends a Baishakhi Mela. (affirmative) e. There is nothing unpleasant in a Baishakhi Mela. (interrogative) f. Health is wealth. (interrogative) g. A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (positive) h. A healthy man is not a liability to his family. (affirmative) i. Everybody must be conscious of health. (negative) j. No other thing in the world is as valuable as health. (comparative)
Answer sheet
9.     a. Will success come to one’s life automatically? b. is it known to you?
    c. Industry is more important than any other thing for success. d. So people call it the mother of good luck. e. A boy who is industrious will shine in life. f. A life with an assignment is not an unreal life. g. A lazy man always curses his lot for his misfortune. h. He is a great fool.
    i. Without being industrious, none can receive any reward. j. It is evident that very few virtues are as great as industry.
10.    a. Very few evils are as bad as corruption. b. He is a corrupted man who can do anteing against morality.
    c. A corrupted man is hated by people. d. Who respects him? e. The man taking bribe is next to devil.     f. We have strict law but we are still affected by this evil. g. A corrupted man is the most hated person. h. It is hoped by us that Bangladesh will be free from this evil. i. There is nobody but avoids a corrupted man.  j. What an unhappy life a corrupted man leads!
11. a. in the field of education no other educationist’s contribution was as great as Sir Salimullah. b. Institutions which are associated with his name still receive donations.
    c. What a role he played in establishing the University of Dhaka.
    d. Didn’t the orphanage establish by him still providing shelter and education to the poor and the orphans?  e. We are always reminded of the open handed charity of this great man by these institutions. f. He had founded the all India Muslim League. g. He died early.
    h. He was 48 and then he died.
    i. He has attained more honorable that most other positions in the society.
    j. With love and gratitude every Bangladeshi will remember him.
12.    a. Aren’t  road accidents a curse?
    b.  Don’t they cause a great loss to life and property? c.  It is the drivers who are basically responsible for the accidents.
    d. The traffic rules are hardly known to most of them.
    e.  Even in case of knowing some rules , they hardly care  for them.
     f. The mango is more  popular than any other fruit in Bangladesh.
     g. We/People called it  the king of fruits.
     h. Mangoes of superior quality  are grown in plenty in Rajshahi, Bogra and Dinajpur. i. Again, the jackfruit is not an unpopular fruit in our country. j. Isn’t  the largest of all fruits.  
13.    a. No other festivals for the people of Bangladesh is as big as  Pahela Baishakh.
    b. Traditional dress  are worn  on this day.
    c. People  do not look  sad at all.
     d. Everybody attends a Baishakhi Mela.
    e. Is there anything unpleasant in a Baishakhi Mela. f. Isn’t health  wealth? g. A  sick man. is not so happy as  a healthy poor man. h. A healthy man is an asset  to his family.
    i. Everybody  can not be conscious of health.
    j.  Health is more valuable than any other thing in the world.

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