রবিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১৫ ০০:০০ টা

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি

শেখ শামীম আহমেদ পরিচালক, শহীদ ক্যাডেট একাডেমী, উত্তরা

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি



Read the following passage carefully and answer all questions:
Bulbul is the name of a person who collects rubbish from the sneaker area and keeps it clean. He regularly collects rubbish going door to door and keeps the area dirty free. He wakes up at 5 O’clock in the morning and goes door to door to gather rubbish. One day he fell ill. So he could not come to work two days. This put the people of the area into a big  trouble. He felt that his illness was a great cause of trouble to the people of the area. The area became dirty and unhygienic. So he does not wish to fill ill further.
1.     Read the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words from the box.      1×5=5

    From into remains to walks
    out big puts mind at  beyond.    

    Bulbul works a).....a cleaner in the shaker b) ...….5 am. He collects rubbish so the area c)…..neat and clean. Collecting the rubbish he d)..… them in the e)…..bins. He f)…..from door ..… door. He is devoted h)…..his services. He never i)…cleaning the area. His linen sometimes throws the people j)…danger.
    Answer the following short questions:    1×5=5
2.     Where does bulbul work?——————
3.     What does Bulbul do?————————
4.     Who became sick one day?—————
5.     Who fell into a great trouble?—————
6.     Where does bulbul go to collect rubbish?—
    Name the parts of speech of the underlined words:            1×5= 5
    There is a saying that `health is wealth’. No doubt, health is the most valuable thing in our life. If someone wants to be a healthy man one should follow the rules of health.    
7.     Tha………………………………………
8.     Most valuable……………………………
9.     in…………………………………………
10.    life………………………………………
11.    Wants……………………………………
    What type of sentence of the followings are.                    1×5=5
12.    Never dishonor your teachers…assertive/imperative/Optative.
13. She does her duty properly…………… assertive/exclamatory/ Optative.
14. May Allah bless you….optative/ imperative/ interrogative.
15. What nonsense!......assertive/ exclamatory/ optative.
16. What are you?.......assertive/ interrogative/ optave.
    Translate the following sentence into English:    1×5=5

১৭.          কক্সবাজার পৃথিবীর দীর্ঘতম সমুদ্র সৈকত।

১৮.        আমি ক্যাডেট কলেজে ভর্তি হতে ইচ্ছু

১৯.         সততাই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট পন্থা।

২০.         আমি না হেসে পারনাম না।

২১.          বান্দরবানের প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য কতইনা মুগ্ধ

                   Give tick to the right one:    1×  5= 5
22. Achivement/Achievement/Achevement…
23. Liutenant/Lieutenante/lieutenant………
25. Sampange/Shampagnc/Sampan………
26. Naughty/Noughty/Noty………………
    Re- arrange the jumble words to make sentence       1x5=5
27.    iron/hot/is/while/strike/the/it…………
28.    asked/name/was/his/him/i/what…………
29.    he/see/to/his/has/gone/father……………
30. is/land/mother/name/Bangladesh/the/of/my.
31. the/i/pen/taka/bought/fifty/in……………
Change gender of the following words:    1×5=5
32. Niece……………………………………
33. Duke……………………………………
34. Dog………………………………………
35. Fox………………………………………
36. Emperor………………………………
Change number of the following words :    1×5=5
37. Goose……………………………
38. Tooth……………………………………
39. Wife……………………………………
40. Ox……………………………………
41. Sister-in-law……………………………
    Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:        1×5=5
42. He is weak…………….to/in/at English.
43. She comes..from/of/on a respectable family.
44. Raka was born…at/in/on 12 January, 2000.
45. Never try to hanker.before/after/in memory.
46. The man is known…to/of/by me.
    Change the following sentences as directed:    1×5=5
47. Buy me a shirt. (make negative)……
48. Honey tastes sweet. (make Passive)…………………………
49. He is always punctual. (make negative)……………………………
50. The bird is very beautiful. (make exclamatory)………………………
51. Horrah! We have won the game. (make assertive)…………………………………
52. Write an argument essay
    We should  not use or drink  dirty water, why? For further info, call 01714359692.         10    
To be continued.

সর্বশেষ খবর