বুধবার, ১১ মে, ২০১৬ ০০:০০ টা

৩৭তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি

শিক্ষা ডেস্ক

৩৭তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি

English Grammar & Literature
1.    Do you enjoy _____ Cricket Matches on TV?
    A. Watch    B. For watching
    C. To watch    D. watching
2.    Everybody (go)- there.
    A. have gone    B. are going    
    C. are gone     D. has gone
3.    Habitual  fact is expressed only in-
    A. Future indefinite tense only.
    B. Past indefinite tense only.
    C.  Present indefinite tense only.
    D.  All the tenses.
4.    I made him ____ this job.
    A. To do      B. Do      C. doing    D. done.
5.    The streets would be wet, if it
    A. Rains    B. Has rained      
    C. rained    D. had reined.
6.    Morality is dying _____ gradually.
    A. down         B. on            C. out           D. by.
7.    He parted ____ his friends in tears.
    A. With     B. Against        C. from      D. beside
8.    I am not bad _____ tennis.
    A. in           B. at            C. about    D. with.
9.    The murder was carried out in ____.
    A. Cold hand     B. Cold head    
C. Cold Blood    D) cold swing
10.    Mrs. Alam was ____ great women.
    A. head & heart    B. ins and outs
    C. through and through D. far and wide.
11.    To the utmost means
    A. Pig mxgv chƯ¦    B. (A+B)        
    C. ˆkl chƯ¦    D. ˆKvbwUBbq
12.    De facto ruler means-
    A. lifelong ruler     B. elected ruler        
    C. actual ruler     D. autocratic ruler
13.    A rolling stone gather no moss. here, rolling is ——-
    A. gerund    B. adjective     
    C. adverb    D. participle
14.    No grammatical error occurs in –
    A. I wasn’t eating since breakfast.
    B. I didn’t eat since breakfast.
    C. I hadn’t been eating since breakfast.
    D. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.
15.    The opposite of friendship-
    A. dislike    B. loggerheads         
    C. bitterness      D. enmity.
16.    The opposite of crux is –
    A. events     B. trivial Point            C. spark    D. affliction
17.    Pragmatic means –
    A. realistic    B. quixotic        
    C. impractical    D. imaginative.
18.    Correct spelling-
    A. cigarette    B. cigrete        
    C. cigarette.     D. ciggrette.
19.    Advice this word belongs to –
    A. verb    B. adverb    
    C. adjective     D. noun.
20.    The noun of predict is-
    A. Prediction    B. Predicted    
    C. predictable     D. predicting.
21.    Faustus” was written by
    A. John Milton    B. Thomas hardy
    C. Christopher Marlowe
        D. John Webster
22.    ‘‘Who is the author of the god of small things”
    A. Jhumpa Lahiri     B. Orundhrui Ray    
    C. Salman Rushdi    D. V.S Naipaul
23.    Who wrote ‘The Iliad’?
    A. Artistic Quality    B. Vergil
    C. Homer    D. Byron
24.    What is the salient feature of all literature?
    A. Artistic Quality    B. Sensuous Quality
     C. joyous Quality    
    D. Reflective Quality
25.    The origin of species was written by-
    A. Charles Darwin    B. Gallelio        
    C. Newton    D. Mary curie
26.    Who wrote “The Spanish Tragedy?”
    A. Robert green     B. John lyly    
    C. Thomas kyd
    D, Christopher marlowe
27.    Who is the author of A Brief history of time?
    A. Stepen Hawking     B. F.M Foster
    C. VS Naipal    D. Anthony Burgess
28.    What was Shakespeare’s first play?
    A. King lear    B. The tempest        C. Henry VI    D. Romeo and Juliet
29.    Who would be called the English homer and father of English poetry?
    A. Bede     B. Thomas Malory
    C. Geoffrey Chaucer    D. Caedmon
30.    A song embodying religious and sacred emotions
    A. Lyric     B. Ode     C. Hymn     D. Ballad.

Answer : 1. D 2. D. 3.C. 4.B. 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C 11. A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.C.

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