মঙ্গলবার, ২০ জুন, ২০১৭ ০০:০০ টা

জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা

ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র

মো. শফিকুল ইসলাম

জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা

Section -A : Reading  Test (Marks-60)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it (1-3).

Text : Zara lives with here parents in London. They have come to Bangladesh to visit Zara’s aunt and uncle. She is very close to her cousin Mita, Both the families have visited many interesting places together in Bangladesh. It was a great fun. Then they decided that they would visit some places outside Bangladesh too. The decided to go to Thailand, But Mita’s Parents were too busy with their work, so they could not go. However, Mita was going with them.

Mita, Zara and her parents are at Hajrat Shahjalal International Airport. They an waiting in the lounge. Mita is very excited. This is her first time to board a plane. They are flying by Bangladesh Biman. Mita is hoping to have a great time in Thailand.

As they wait, the two cousins start planning what they would do once they reach Bangkok. Mita’s uncle brings forms for all of them to fill in before going through the immigration. He gives one to Mita and says. “You have to give some information about yourself in the form. The immigration officer will check your passport and stamp it. An then you are ready to travel.”

Mita, Zara and her parents start filling in the forms. (Unit-1, Lession-1)

অনুবাদ : জারা তার পিতা-মাতার সঙ্গে লন্ডনে থাকে। তারা বাংলাদেশে এসেছে জারার চাচা-চাচিকে দেখতে। সে তার চাচাতো বোন মিতার খুবই ঘনিষ্ঠ। উভয় পরিবারই একত্রে বাংলাদেশের অনেক আকর্ষণীয় স্থান পরিদর্শন করছে। এটা ছিল খুব মজার। তারা বাংলাদেশের বাইরে কিছু স্থান ভ্রমণ করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। তারা থাইল্যান্ড যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিল। কিন্তু মিতার বাবা-মা তাদের কাজে ব্যস্ত ছিলেন, তাই তারা যেতে পারলেন না। যাই হোক মিতা তাদের সঙ্গে যাচ্ছে।

মিতা, জারা এবং তার বাবা-মা হজরত শাহজালাল আন্তর্জাতিক বিমানবন্দরে। মিতা খুব উত্তেজিত। এটা তার প্রথম বিমানে ওঠা। তারা বাংলাদেশ বিমানে ভ্রমণ করছে। মিতা আশা করছে থাইল্যান্ডে খুব ভালো সময় কাটবে।

যেহেতু তারা অপেক্ষা করছে, দুই চাচাতো বোন পরিকল্পনা করা শুরু করল যে, ব্যাংকক পৌঁছে তারা কি করবে। মিতার চাচা তাদের সবার জন্য ফরম আনল অভিবাসন পার হওয়ার আগেই সেগুলো পূরণ করার জন্য। তিনি মিতাকে একটা ফরম দিয়ে বললেন, ‘এই ফরমে তোমার নিজের সম্পর্কে কিছু তথ্য দিতে হবে। অভিবাসন কর্মকর্তা তোমার পাসপোর্ট চেক করবেন এবং এতে সিল দেবেন। তারপরই তুমি ভ্রমণের জন্য প্রস্তুত।’ মিতা, জারা এবং তার পিতা-মাতা ফরম পূরণ করা শুরু করল।

1.         Guess the meaning of the following words and choose the correct meaning closest to the text. 1×5=5

            a.         Close-

                        i. far         ii. near         iii.distant           iv. wide

            b.         excited-

            i. interested   ii. cited    iii. aroused      iv. disturbed

            c. hoping-

            i. expecting    ii. denying     iii. forcing            iv. seeming

            d. before-

            i. past       ii. future       iii. ago    iv. present

            e. ready-

            i. casual     ii. prepared     iii. unprepared     iv. busy

2.         Answer the following questions.

            a. Why did Zara’s family come to Bangladesh?

            b. What did they visit?

            c. Why is Mita going to Thailand alone?

            d. Why were they waiting in the lounge?

            e. How will they go to Thailand?

            Extra Question :

            f. What did Mita and Zara do at the time of a waiting?

            g. Where is Bangkok?

            h. Why were the forms collected?

            i. What is the relationship between Zara and Mita?

            j. Has Mita ever made a journey by plane earlier?

3.         Summarize the above passage in around 60 words.

            Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it (4-6)



Many People worked to create television. In 1862, Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented a machine called the Pantelograph. Caselli was the first person to send a picture over wires. By the 1880-s, Alexander Graham Bell invented a machine that transmitted pictures and sound over wires. His machine was called the Photo phone. The word’s Fair was held in Paris, France, in the year 1900. The first International Congress of Electricity was held at the word’s Fair. That was when the word television was first used by a Russian named Constantine Perskyi. That name stuck, and is now shortened to ‘TV.’ At the beginning of TV history there were several types of TV technology. One system was a mechanical model based on a rotating disc. (Rotating discs are discs that spin like CDs.) The other system was an electronic  model. In 1906, Boris Rosing built the first working meachainal TV in Russia, In the 1920s, John Loge Baird in England and Charies Francis Jenkins in the United States demonstrated improved mechanical systems. Philo Taylor Farnsworth also showed   an electronic system in San Francisco in 1927. His TV was the forerunner of today’s TV, which is an electronic system based on his ideas. Now TV is everywhere. Before 1947, there were only a few thousand television in the US By the 1990s, there were televisions in 98% of American homes.

4.         Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.                                5×1=5

5. Read the passage again and write Ture or False beside the following statements. Give answer for the false statements.                        5×1=5

            a. The Invention of television was an one man show.

            b. The name TV is a shortened from of the word television.

            c. The machine that Alexander Graham Bell invented was called mobile phone.

            d. The machine Pantelograph was invented by John Baird.

            e. France was the hose country of the worlds Fair in 1900.

6.         Fill in the gaps with appropriate word :            1×5=5

            Tea bushes grow in warm, wet  countries (a)___ Bangladesh, China, India, Sri Lanka and Kenya. Tea pickers (b)___ the tea by hand. They take just c.__ top two leaves and bud from each (d)___ of each tea plant. The leaves are then (e) ___ and crushed and sorted into different grades. The tea is ready to use when it turns black.

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