শনিবার, ১ জুলাই, ২০১৭ ০০:০০ টা

একাদশ শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র

আমিনুল ইসলাম

একাদশ শ্রেণির পড়াশোনা

Part-A Grammar [60 marks]


1. Fill in the blanks in the following text with articles (a/an/the)as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require an article. Put cross(x) in the blanks.        0.5X10=5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (a)……….…infant sometimes asks such(b)……....uncommon  question that even(c)……….aged man fails to  answer(d)………..uncommon question.(e)…..intelligent man has to think over(f)……... questions. It is not easy matter to satisfy (g)…..……...inquisitive infant. Sometimes (h)….aged man also grows angry with (i)……………………..inquisitive boy or girl who always wants to know more. We must not be (j)……………..…impatient with the infant.


2. Complete the text with suitable prepositions                        0.5x10=5

The ceremony began (a)…..2 pm. Our principal presided (b)….the function. The function started(c)…The recitation (d)…..the Holy Quran. One (e)……our senior teachers read (f)…..the annual report. The deputy commissioner, the honorable chief guest delivered a brief speech. He advised the students (g)….. be regular(h)……studies and take part (i)……the movement(j)…….literacy.  


3. Complete the sentence with suitable phrase/words given in the box            0.5x10=5


Learnt….by    Was born  Look down upon   Make up  Let alone


Would rather…than  Null and void      As if    Had better  Look  after           


(a) The law has been declared……………. But everybody has to obey the law of the court.

(b) Air, water, soil etc …….our environment. So we should keep our environment clean and danger free.

(c) The poor are……..by the rich. It should not be done by them. Because one day they may be poor

(d) My mother…………our family. Father is unemployed.

(e) Have you ……the lesson…… heart?

(f) Riad……in Jamalgonj. He is studying in Jamalgonj high school.

(g) He…… take a cycle …… walk home. It`s already too late.

(h) He behaves…….he were a mad.

(i) Masrafee……. Leave the field. He had a severe injury.

(j) I can`t remember his face …….his name. I saw him many days ago.


4. Complete the sentences using suitable clause/phrases.         0.5x10=5

(a)I was excited because …..I won`t forget the event ever.

(b)Had I charged him..…I didn’t want to force him.

(c)I gave him a chance as long as …….I liked him very much.

(d) The knife was so blunt that……it had no use.

(e) Her father was unemployed …….she supported her family.

(f) The patient cried while……. It was really unbearable to anyone.

(g) Sabina wrote down the names lest…..She was indifferent about it.

(h) The man whom…..is famous singer. I took his autograph.

(i) Poverty destroys dignity as well as …. We should eradicate it.

(j) As students are the assets of nation …..one day they will lead the whole nation.

5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.           0.5x10=5

I (a)……………. (receive)your letter last week. From your letter I have come to (b)…...…( know)that you have already (c)……(start)a special course on English.I also know that you have (d)……(cherish)a desire to (e)…..(studying)in the foreign country where English(f)…….(be)compulsory at every step.You have also(g)…… (i)……(succeed) in your mission.Allah(j)…..(help)you.


6. Read the text and change the sentences as directed.                        1x5=5


(a) I answered  to her beckoning(compound).I caught sight of her at play.(b) I went over during the interval(complex).It was a long gap I had seen her.(c) Someone had mentioned her name  to me(passive).(d) she was not so young as I expected(comparative).How time does fly!(e) We are none of us getting any younger.(affirmative)


7.Change the narrative style by using indirect speech.             5


“I never drink anything for luncheon, “she said.

“Neither do I”.I answered promptly.

“except white wine,” she proceeded as though I had not spoken.” These French white wines are so light. They are  wonderful for digestion.”


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