সোমবার, ৬ আগস্ট, ২০১৮ ০০:০০ টা

অষ্টম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

মো. আব্দুুর রহিম

অষ্টম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

Suffixes and Prefixes


শিক্ষার্থীদের চর্চার জন্য এখানে বেশ কিছু Suffixes and Prefixes প্রশ্নের নমুনা ও উত্তর দেওয়া হয়েছে।

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.

1. Flowers are the symbol of love and (a) pure. They are (b) know for their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c) note for their fragrance and some are for their beauty But the rose is favorite to us for its color and beauty. Its mother place is the city of Paris. The (d) Japan are exceptionally famous for its (e) cultivate. At present most of the countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) general grows from June to November. Its scent makes us (g) cheer. It makes people lively, lovely, (h) affection and so on. By (i) grow roses in plenty, we can export them and solve our (j) employ problem.

Answers : a) purity, b) known, c) noted, d) Japanese, e) cultivation, f) generally, g) cheerful, h) affectionate, i) growing, j) unemployment.

1. People are (a) general fond of glittering things. They are the (b) love of surface. They are concerned with the (c) out show of things and beings. They (d) hard bother about intrinsic value. ‰old is a very (e) value thing. But there are (f) vary metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g) beauty. So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h) measure. We all should be (i) care about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j) repent in the long run.

Answers : a) generally, b) lovers, c) outward, d) hardly, e) valuable, f) various, g) beautiful, h) measurement, i) careful, j) repentant.

3. Early rising is the habit of (a) get up from bed early in the morning. An early (b) rise can enjoy the (c) fresh of the morning air. He can hear the (d) melodz songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day’s work (e) early than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f) physic problems very often. So, he need not go to any (g) physic (h) frequent. Thus, an early riser enjoys (i) vary benefits and leads a (j) peace life.

Answers : a) getting, b) riser, c) freshness, d) melodious, e) earlier, f) physical, g) physician, h) frequently, i) various, j) peaceful.

4. You should bear in mind that (a) confidence assists a man to reach the goal of life The lack of (b) determine leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c) come the problems of life. Fix a target and then try (d) sincere to gain success. Don’t lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e) fail is the pillar of success. Whereas success without (f) compete is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g) men strong and makes (h) prepare for struggling to reach the goal. Nobodz can be (i) success in his mission. Failure makes him more (j) determine to work hard.

Answers : a) self-confidence, b) determination, c) overcome, d) sincerely, e) failure, f) competition, g) mentally, h) prepared, i) unsuccessful, j) determined.

5. Trees are (a) use to man in many ways. They are companion in our day life. It is (b) possible to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (c) nature calamities. It d) strength the soil. If we cut trees (e) discriminately. there will be ecological (f) balance. So tree (g) plant programmed should be extended for a better, (h) happy, (i) healthy life and (j) peace environment.

Answers : a) useful, b) impossible, c) natural, d) strengths, e) indiscriminately, f) imbalance, g) plantation, h) happier, i) healthier, j) peaceful.

6. (a) Kind is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) kind to the people in distress and even to (c) low animals. Some naughty boys (d) joy beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an (e) rational behavior. Animals are dumb (f) create. They are (g) harm beings. Some animals, are very (h) faith and they feel no i) hesitate to risk their lives for our j) protect.

Answers : a) kindness, b) unkind, c) lower, d) enjoy, e) irrational, f) creatures, g) harmless, h) faithful, i) hesitation, j) protection.

7. Food (a) adulterate is a crime. Adulterated food is (b) poison and causes (c) curable diseases. Some (d) greed businessmen are responsible for this (e) wicked. The steps. so far taken by the government against those (1) honest businessmen (g) real deserve praise. (h) Present, the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i) Hopeful, we will be able to shun this (j) practice very soon.

Answers : a) adulteration, b) poisonous, c) incurable, d) greedz, e) wickedness, f) dishonest , g) really, h) Presently, i) Hopefully, j) malpractice.

8. Zahir Raihan was one of the most. (a) talent filmmakers in Bangladesh. He was an (b) act worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c) history meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a (d) democrat society, a society that will (e) sure freedom of speech and will. He made a (f) legend film ‘Jibon Theke Neya’ based on the Language (g) Move of 1952. He could see the (h) incept of a free and (i) dependent Bangladesh. And it’s a pity that this (j) dream was missing at such a time when his dream came true.

Answers : a) talented, b) active, c) historic, d) democratic, e) ensure, f) legendary, g) movement, h) inception, i) independent, j) dreamer.

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