সোমবার, ২৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১৮ ০০:০০ টা

একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

[পূর্বে প্রকাশের পর]

10. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage.                  0.5×10=5

There have been significant changes in the types of entertainment over time. Many of these no longer exist. (a) ___ they do, people keep looking for newer forms of entertainment. (b) ___ snake charming, puppet shows, jatra, jarigan, sharigan and kabigan which were common forms of entertainment in the past, have almost lost their appeal. (c) ___, radio which was used to a good source of entertainment, (d) ___ it is giving place to television, and to satellite channels in particular. (e) ___, the entertainment business, like other spheres of life, is getting westernized. (f) ___, folk music or palligeeti is now sung with western instruments. (g) ___, modern music is now fusing melodies from folk and traditional songs. (h) …band and pop music is becoming more and more popular, particularly among the young generation. (i) ___ sport has become a great source of entertainment today.

(j) ___ football, which used to be the most popular spectator sport in Bangladesh, is gradually being replaced by cricket.

11. Read the passage and then write the antonym or synonym of the words as directed below.          0.5×10=5

The War of Independence from the occupation of Pakistan was took place in 1971. The Pakistani ruling clique and their vested interest group began to treat Bangladesh which was then East Pakistan as a colony of West Pakistan. Therefore, under the leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman a violent mass movement was launched which resulted in a landslide victory of the Awami League at the election of national assembly of Pakistan with his absolute majority in the parliament. But under the cover of negotiation with the Awami League leaders president Yahya Khan hatched a conspiracy. On the fateful night of March 25, 1971, Bangabandhu was taken prisoner to West Pakistan and the Pakistani army cracked down upon the innocent and armless people of East Pakistan.

(a) occupation (synonym) (b) treat (synonym) (c) leadership (synonym) (d) launch (antonym) (e) victory (antonym) (f) negotiation (synonym) (g) leaders (antonym) (h) hatched (synonym) (i) conspiracy (synonym) (j) innocent (antonym)             [চলবে]


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