বৃহস্পতিবার, ২০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৮ ০০:০০ টা

একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

সুকুমার মন্ডল, সিনিয়র শিক্ষক

একাদশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয় পত্র

[পূর্বে প্রকাশের পর]

15. Paragraph :


Deforestation means cutting or burning down trees at random. Deforestation is very harmful for a country and its people. In the developing countries, people cut trees largely. There are some causes of cutting trees. Firstly, we cut trees to earn quick money from them. Secondly, we need wood to cook food. Thirdly, we make houses and furniture with wood. Then, the dishonest people cut trees illegally from the forests. The result of cutting trees is very dangerous. Trees are very useful for us. Trees give us oxygen. Oxygen is a must for us. We cannot live even for a few minutes without it. Again, trees take in carbon dioxide which is harmful for us. Besides, trees give us wood, shade and many other things. The most important thing is that           [Pj‡e]

trees protect the top soil from flood. The top soil is very important for growing crops. Trees help to prevent natural disasters. But, if we cut down trees, the world will become warmer and unsuitable for living. As a result, some parts of our country will go under water soon. So, we should take some necessary steps to stop cutting trees. The govt. has already started tree plantation program. We all have to make the program successful. We also have to make the village people understand the importance of trees. Our slogan should be- `If we cut one tree, we must plant two.' Thus, we can make the world a better place to live in.


16. Composition :

Students and Social Service

The term 'student' means much more than its literal meaning. Students are the future leaders of a country. They are closely related to society also. They are inseparable part of society. They help a society to develop a lot. The overall progress of a society is impossible without the participation of its students.

Student life is the best part of a man's life. Students have a lot of duties and responsibilities to the country, particularly to the society. During student life, they are free from the troubles of family, wife and children.

Therefore, they can serve the society better than any other person. Students can take many useful steps for the welfare of the society.

Firstly, the students can educate the illiterate people of the society. Without education, no social development is possible. For this, they can teach in the night schools free of cost. The students can collect money from the local people to distribute reading and writing materials among the poor people.

Secondly, the students can form a fund collectively for the poor and helpless people of the society.

Thirdly, the students should stand by the sick and the injured. They must extend their helping hands to the poor people who are unable to get proper treatment for money. Fourthly, the students should work together in times of natural calamities. For example, flood visits our country every year. During floods, students can distribute relief materials to the affected people and reduce their suffering to some extent.

Fifthly the students can arrange seminars to make people aware of health and nutrition. In the end, we can say that the students have to perform two duties at a time-learning and teaching. If they can perform the two duties properly, they are sure to shine in life.

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