শনিবার, ১০ এপ্রিল, ২০২১ ০০:০০ টা

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

মুহম্মদ জিল্লুর রহমান : প্রভাষক

একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

1. Read the passage and answer the questions A and B.
The Peace Movement
A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars), minimize inter-human violence in a particular place or type of situation, including ban of guns, and is often linked to the goal of achieving world peace. Means to achieve these ends include advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance, diplomacy, boycotts, demonstrations, peace camps : supporting anti-war political candidates and banning guns, creating open government, direct democracy : supporting people who expose war-crimes or conspiracies to create wars and making laws. Different organizations involved in peace movements may have some diverse goals, but one common goal is sustainability of peace.
Peace movement is basically an all-encompassing anti-war movement. It is primarily characterized by a belief that human beings should not wage war on each other or engage in violent conflicts over language, race, natural resources, religion or ideology. It is believed that military power is not the equivalent of justice. The peace movement tends to oppose the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons of mass destruction, in particular, nuclear weapons and biological warfare, Moreover, many object to the export of weapons including hand-held machine guns and grenades by leading economic nations to lesser developed nations.
A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.                  1×5=5
(a) What could be the closest meaning for seek in the first paragraph?
(i) to aim at     (ii) to gain
(iii) to acquire   (v) to look for
(b)  The word violence in the first paragraph refers to
(i) a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction
(ii) hostility   (iii) indiscipline   
(iv) oppression
(c) All-encompassing in the second paragraph could be best replaced by
(i) essential          (ii) universal
(iii) popular         (iv) important
(d) The common goal of a peace movement is —.
(i) to ensure sustainable hostility
(ii) to ensure peace that can be continued for a long time
(iii) to ensure diverse goal
(iv) to ensure peace temporarily
(e) The best synonym of minimize is
(i) to reduce    (ii) to enhance
(ii) to raise      (iv) to gear up
B. Answer the following questions.     
(a) From your reading of the first para, give some idea about peace movement. How is peace movement carried on?
(b) What are the main characteristics of peace movement?
(c) Explain in short the aim of the peace movement.
(d) What things can play important roles in securing peace to the world people? Write in your own words.
(e) Do you think war is a curse? If so, why?
1. A. Multiple choice
(a) (i) to aim at;
(b) (i) a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction;
(c) (ii) universal;
(d) (ii) to ensure peace that can be continued for a long time;
(e) (i) to reduce.
B. Question Answer
(a) A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as putting an end
to war, minimizing inter-human violence including ban of gun and finally achieving world peace. Peace movement is carried on through advocacy of pacifism, non-violent resistance diplomacy, boycotts, demonstrations, peace camps etc. Some other means of carrying or peace movement include supporting anti-war political candidates and banning guns, creating open government, direct democracy etc.
(b) Peace movement is, really speaking, an anti-war one. Its main characteristics are stop of war
basically over religion, language, race, natural resources etc. Belief in the doctrine that military power is not equal to justice, opposition to the proliferation of dangerous technologies and weapons causing massive destruction, export of weapons by leading economic nations to least developed countries etc. are some of its other characteristics.
(c) The aim of the peace movement is to ensure peace all over the world by avoiding all types of
wars and conflicts. It also aims to minimize inter-human violence including ban of guns.
(d) Religious spirit, humanity or human values can play important roles in securing peace to the
world people. Only God-fearing attitude and development of humanity can deter world people from getting involved in destructive activities.
(e)  War is of course, a curse to mankind as well as human civilization. It brings widespread death, destruction and sufferings for the people. The World War I, II and some other wars caused endless human misery. So, we should avoid it.

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