E-Paper বাংলা
2023-03-15 21:08:24

Bangladesh won’t take any side on global issues: Chinese envoy

Online Desk

Bangladesh won’t take any side on global issues: Chinese envoy

Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen has highly praised Bangladesh’s foreign policy and hoped that Bangladesh will not take any side but will remain independent regarding any regional or global issues. 

“Bangladesh really has an excellent foreign policy, which is friendship to all and malice to none. This clearly means Bangladesh will take no side, but remain independent. We strongly support this foreign policy of Bangladesh,” he said.

Speaking at the annual Spring Dialogue with journalists at the embassy on Tuesday evening, Ambassador Yao Wen said China and Bangladesh share the same development goals, reports Daily Sun.         

“We are alike in both subjective and objective terms. Our paths to modernization are comparable. We have the foundation, potential, necessity and possibility to move forward hand in hand.”

Ambassador Yao introduced the key takeaways from the “Two Sessions” recently closed in China, shared his thoughts on China-Bangladesh relations, and presented China’s positions and initiatives with regard to international hotspots.

About 40 journalists from 30 media houses, including mainstream news agencies, television channels, radio channels and newspapers, took part in the event. The Chinese envoy first introduced the “Two Sessions” recently closed in China.

Ambassador Yao elaborated on the Chinese Modernization and said that the Chinese Modernization busts the myth that ‘modernization equals Westernization. It creates a new form of human civilization, and inspires countries all over the world, especially developing countries.”

He said China's successful development proves that all countries have the right and ability to choose their own development path and to hold their destiny in their own hands. Chinese Modernization is one of common prosperity for all people, making people rich in both material and cultural-ethical terms.

Ambassador Yao said Chinese modernization does not resort to war, colonization or plundering. It commits to peace, development, cooperation, and win-win results, and insists on harmonious coexistence between mankind and the Mother Nature.

The modernization of mankind should not be limited to a specific group of people only, but call for the prosperity of all. The successful experience of China's development proves that there is no hope in a mess of scattered sand, and only in unity can there be strength, he said.

Ambassador Yao specified on China’s positions on international hotspots against the background of a world full of turmoil, in particular the Ukraine crisis.

He said that, over the past decade, President Xi has successively put forward a host of initiatives and proposals, including building a community with a shared future for mankind, the Belt and Road Initiative, the common values of humanity, the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative, which have been welcomed across the world, especially among developing countries.

In this context, he said Bangladesh is the first country in South Asia to join the BRI, which has boosted Bangladesh's socio-economic development. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has repeatedly welcomed China's efforts to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, he added.

Ambassador Yao introduced China’s moves taken this February to maintain global peace and security. First, China launched The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. Second, China elaborated its Position on the Political Solution to the Ukraine Crisis. Third, China officially inaugurated the Preparatory Office of the International Organization for Mediation.

Ambassador Yao said that China's "February Action" embodies the features of peace, openness and consultation. China always stands on the side of peace and morality. He underscored the significance and relevance of the dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran under the mediation of China.

The Chinese Ambassador said that President Xi has clearly supported the Beijing Dialogue from the very beginning. It is seen as a successful practice of the Global Security Initiative. China’s efforts are highly appreciated by world leaders such as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The improvement of Saudi-Iranian relations has opened the way for peace and stability in the Middle East and set an example for resolving conflicts between countries through dialogue and consultation, he said adding “This is a victory for dialogue and for peace.”

Ambassador Yao concluded his opening remarks by assuring that China will keep in mind the interests of the world, take an active part in global governance, and cooperate with the international community, including Bangladesh, to tackle the deficit in peace, security, development and governance, and contribute more to world peace and human progress.

Ambassador Yao also introduced China’s positions and propositions on various issues, including China’s economic growth target in 2023, the growth of China’s defense budget, GDI, GSI, Belt and Road cooperation between China and Bangladesh, bilateral trade and investment, displaced people from Myanmar to Bangladesh, Ukraine crisis, China-Russia relations, China-India relations, and the so-called Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Bd-pratidin English/Golam Rosul

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