E-Paper বাংলা
2024-03-21 11:24:19

Chinese Embassy hosts Iftar party

Online Desk

Chinese Embassy hosts Iftar party

The Embassy of China in Bangladesh organised an Iftar party at the embassy on Wednesday. 

Over 150 youth representatives from the Bangladeshi government, political parties, military, universities, enterprises, media houses and foreign missions took part in the event titled “Ramadan Gathering with China” Daily Sun reported.

Yao Wen, Ambassador of China to Bangladesh, conveyed his best wishes to the audience for the sacred Ramadan in the welcoming remarks.

He said that in recent years, Bangladesh has made progress in economic and social development, and the international community is optimistic about Bangladesh’s development prospects.

"This achievement is inseparable from the active role played by 45 million Bangladeshi youth, who are full of vitality and innovative spirit, and are the backbone of promoting the construction of “Smart Bangladesh” and 'Sonar Bangla'", he said.

China looks forward to further strengthening youth exchanges between China and Bangladesh, stimulating their potential and injecting new hope and positive energy into the future development of the two countries and the world at large, he added.


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