E-Paper বাংলা
2023-07-17 20:58:19

BAJUS Day celebrated in Ctg amid festivity

‘Sayem Sobhan Anvir escalated dignity of the jewellers’

Online Desk

BAJUS Day celebrated in Ctg amid festivity

Bangladesh Jewellers’ Samity (BAJUS), country’s largest and most renowned jewellery trade organisation, celebrated their 58th founding anniversary amid festivity in the port city through various programmes on Monday.

The theme for this year’s anniversary is ‘Investing in gold, savings for the future’.

The programmes including cake cutting and discussion were organised at the Asfi Rangam Tower in Court Hill area.

Earlier, a procession was brought out from the Lal Dighi Maidan and ended at the BAJUS Office after parading different important spots including Hazari Goli, reports Daily Sun.

The speakers at the programme said that the jewellers in the country awoke afresh under the leadership of BAJUS President and country’s leading business conglomerate Bashundhara Group Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir.

BAJUS has been transformed into a model business organisation in the country now, they observed.

They also observed that BAJUS President united all the jewellers under a single umbrella in the country and escalated their dignity through his visionary steps.

The speakers said that the jewellery sector in Bangladesh witnessed a revolution while this sector reached a new height in the globe following various initiatives taken by Sayem Sobhan Anvir.

Once the gold traders used to face harassment in various ways, but not-a-single trader had to go through harassment or jail after the BAJUS President came into the leadership, they mentioned.

Chattogram City Corporation Anderkilla Ward No 32 Councilor Jahar Lal Hazari was present at the programme along with BAJUS Chattogram Divisional President Mrinal Kanti Dhar, Vice Presidents Sudhir Ranjan Banik, Sidul Kanti Dhar, Dilip Kumar Dhar, Haradhan Mahajan, Biplob Basak, Liton Kanti Dhar, Jishu Banik, General Secretary Pranab Saha, former General Secretary Mustafizur Rahman, Advocate Amal Krishna Dhar, Assistant Secretary Kajal Banik, Pradip Guha, Amit Dhar, Hiranmoy Dhar, Sukumar Dey, Md Shahjahan Siddiki, Khokan Dhar, Hazi Md Nurul Haque, Sujit Kumar Dhar, Treasure Pratap Dhar, Executive members Minnath Dhar, Gopinath Dhar, Rubel Kanti Dhar, Tapan Kanti Dhar, Swapan Chowdhury, Rony Banik, Mintu Dhar, Shombhu Dhar, Rajib Dhar Tamal, Barun Hazari, Biplab Kanti Dhar, Swapan Kumar Dhar, Nurul Absar Chowdhury, Rupan Kanti Dhar, Shantanu Banik and Dilip Kumar among others.

President Mrinal Kanti Dhar in his speech said the main person behind the unity of the organisation is the BAJUS President Sayem Sobhan Anvir. Following his inspiration and leadership, BAJUS is now more active than the previous years.

“BAJUS was established on July 17 in 1966 as the jewellery traders felt the importance of unity among themselves then. The organisation completed 57 years and stepped into the 58th today (Monday),” he said.

A festive mood is prevailing in Chattogram like 62 organisational districts and 491 upazilas throughout the country on the occasion of the anniversary. It has turned into a gathering of 40,000 jewellers’ families across the country, he observed.

BAJUS Chattogram Divisional General Secretary Pranab Saha said all the 40,000 jewellery shop owners are celebrating the day together under the leadership of the BAJUS President Sayem Sobhan Anvir.

He also hoped that the jewellers’ organisation would grow stronger and go forward further under the leadership of the president.

Mentionable, the day was also celebrated at upazilas under the district.

Bd-pratidin English/Golam Rosul

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