E-Paper বাংলা
2023-12-24 17:38:35

Bashundhara Tissue wins ‘Best Brand Award’ for 6th time in a row

Online Desk

Bashundhara Tissue wins ‘Best Brand Award’ for 6th time in a row

Bashundhara Tissue has won the prestigious ‘Best Brand Award’ for the sixth consecutive year for quality in products and services based on a consumer survey of Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF).

Grow n Excel chief executive officer M Zulfiquar Hussain handed over the award to Bashundhara Group sector-C chief sales officer Mohammad Masudur Rahman at a ceremony at Pan Pacific Dhaka on Saturday, reports Daily Sun.

Bashundhara Group sector-C marketing, business development and sustainability division head Towfique Hasan, head of marketing Mohammad Alauddin and Bashundhara Tissue marketing manager Imranul Kabir were present on the occasion.

Marking the achievement, Mohammad Alauddin has expressed gratitude to customers and stakeholders in the supply chain for making Bashundhara Tissue the ‘most loving brand’ in the country.

"Bashundhara Tissue has been leading the market by producing quality products. Customers keep the brand at the top of their minds for quality assurance," he said.

Research agency nSearch Limited managing director Khandaker Samina Afrin gave a detailed speech to describe the methodology of the Best Brand Award.

A total of 10 thousand interviews were taken, of equal percentage of males and females. The approach of this research was based on two key considerations - In category evaluation based on the brand equity index through a distinct model and the cross-category harmonization with a multiplicative model.

BBF initiated the Best Brand Award in 2008 to inspire and honour the most loved brands in the country.

Bd-pratidin English/Golam Rosul

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