E-Paper বাংলা
2022-09-02 16:18:39

Human body: Wonderful and artistic creation of God

Mufti Muhammad Mortuza

Online Desk

Human body: Wonderful and artistic creation of God

The human body is an extraordinary artwork of the creator Allah (God). In the holy Quran, he stated the beauty of his artistic creation. Allah said, “Undoubtedly, I created humans in the best structure. [Sura Al Imran, Ayat (verse) 4].

Allah (SWT- Subhanahu wa ta'ala) has created humans more beautifully than any other creations in terms of physical structure, size, behavior and expression of humanity.

In addition to size and structure, Allah has made them wise, powerful, impactful speakers, builders, ingenious and sage (Fathul Kadir). He made us as ingeniously as he directed them very finely.

In the holy Quran, Allah said, “On earth signs for those whose faith is certain. And also in yourselves, Will you not then see?” (Sura Ad-Dhariat, Ayat 20:21).

Let’s think about the human eyes. It’s an amazing sign of the delicate art of Allah. When we see something, we can’t even imagine how our eyes process innumerable information in a moment! There are around 20 lakh microscopic parts in our eyes so that they can function properly. Its functionality is almost like the Camera. You can call it the ‘Finest Camera in the World’ as human eyes contain 576 megapixels. Hence, we can see almost one crore of shades of colour differently with our eyes. The eyelids work as the shutter of the camera and inside the eyes, there’re stabilizing lenses that focus on observable materials. After necessary processing, we can see everything. However, this mammoth processing task is completed in the blink of an eye.

Then, what about the nose? It’s a big gift from the lord of the universe so that we can breathe and live our life. It supplies oxygen directly to the brain and increases its activity.

In addition, the nose works as the frontline guard in the self-defence system of our body. When we smell bad things, we’re able to keep our distance from them. The nose works almost like a filter so that it protects us from numerous bacteria and virus and supply pure oxygen to the lungs. Each day, we breathe 25,920 times. When we think about the functionality of the nose, we realize how Allah has endowed us with such huge blessings!

More than 100 billion neurons or nerve cells exist in the human brain. Even, a brain tissue, not larger than a wheat grain, contains almost one lakh interconnected neurons. Through the neurons, the command of the brain is transmitted as electrical signals, whose speed is more than 400 kilometres per hour.  Each day, 12 to 25-watt of electricity is generated in our brain which is capable of lighting any low-voltage LED bulb.

In our brain, more energy is produced in comparison to other parts of our body. It consumes one-fifth of the energy we get from eating food. It’s interesting that the brain contains 22 lakh cells, but the human can use only 3 per cent of its total capacity. Even, highly talented people can use it up to 10-11 per cent.

Even, in the fingers, Allah (SWT) has kept the sign of his miracle. In the holy Quran, he stated, “Does man think that we will not assemble his bones? Yes. [We are] able [even] to proportion his fingertips.” (Sura Qiyamah: Ayat 3-4)

Allah (SWT) hinted in that verse that he has imbued human fingers with a deep mystery, which he can reassemble on the day of resurrection. That mystery is unfolded in modern a time which is known as a fingerprint.

In 1880, Sir Francis Golt of England discovered that no single man in this world can be found whose fingerprint resembles others. That means each person has a different fingerprint. To identify any person, the fingerprint is considered sufficient proof, so based on the fingerprint the law enforcers have been able to identify a huge number of culprits.

Allah stated in the holy book, “This day, we shall seal up their mouths, and their hands will speak to us, and their legs will bear witness to what they used to earn. (It is said that one’s left thigh will be the first to bear the witness.” (Surah Yaseen: Ayat 65) 

The explanation of this Ayat we’ve got partly in this world. Only, Allah knows how miraculous it’d be on the Day of Judgment.

 In recent times, even the invention of such a finger-ring has been made possible with which we can assume the human attitude and physical condition. It has been published in several media that there’s a ring available in the market which can identify the user’s mental condition by using biometric sensors and artificial intelligence. Using EDA (Electro dermal Activity) sensor, this ring analyzes the nervous system of the fingers which can tell about the mental condition of the users. 

Almighty Allah has endowed uncountable signs in the cells of the human skin. If a man can know about the mental and physical condition through analyzing the behaviour of it, then how much knowledge the all-creator can possess about it?

Hinting at the delicate signs lurking in it, he said, “Soon will we show them our signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that thy lord doth witness all things?” (Surah Fussilat, Ayat 53).

May the most gracious Allah give us the capacity to feel his wonders and thanked him for the blessings he endowed us. Amin! 

@ This report appeared on the online version of Bangladesh Pratidin on Friday (September 2) and has been rewritten in English by Lutful Hoque and Golam Rosul

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