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Zumba dance: A great way to stay fit

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Zumba dance: A great way to stay fit

Fitness is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and there are many ways to achieve it. Dance-based workouts have become popular fitness options, which are fun and engaging ways to get into shape. Zumba dance is one such workout that has gained popularity in recent years, offering a high-energy and rhythmic exercise experience. Let's dive into the history, benefits, and risks of the Zumba dance, reports UNB. 

What is Zumba Dance?

Zumba dance involves interval workouts. The high/low-intensity dance moves can boost cardiovascular fitness while also improving balance, coordination, and agility of the body. Additionally, beginners can benefit from the choreography as it contributes to a moderate level of strength training.

The Zumba class doesn't require any prior dancing experience. However, individuals with a natural sense of rhythm can learn dance moves and workouts more easily. Zumba classes primarily feature Latin-inspired music with a slow warm-up song that gradually increases in intensity throughout the class, followed by a cool-down song. The repetitive nature of the choreography makes it easy to pick up, even for those with limited dancing skills.

Usually, a Zumba class doesn't have a competitive environment like regular dance training classes, so the participants can enjoy the workouts and relax.

History of Zumba Dance

Alberto “Beto” Perez, a fitness instructor and choreographer, created Zumba in the mid-1990s. The official Zumba website describes the genesis of this exercise phenomenon as a “happy accident.” One day Beto forgot his regular music while teaching an aerobics class. He had to improvise. So, Beto used Latin dance music (salsa and merengue) tapes that he had with him. It led to a class that mixed dance and aerobics in a fun and engaging way, without strict rep-counting. After that Beto started to integrate music and dancing into his other classes and called it "Rumbacize".

Zumba gained popularity day by day. In 2001, Beto brought it to Miami, where he connected with two other individuals. The trio created a fitness video series. The term “Zumba” was coined for its similarity to the term "rumba", which refers to the Cuban musical genre. However, the dance form was called “Sumba” for some days.

Insight Venture Partners and the Raine Group invested in 2012 for expanding Zumba into class instruction. By 2015, there were about 14 million Zumba students in 186 countries.

Benefits of Zumba Dance

Diversity and Accessibility

Zumba's versatility as a workout program, coupled with its extensive availability and wide range of class styles, makes it a suitable option for almost everyone, regardless of their fitness level and interests.

For instance, if someone loves swimming, he or she can go for Aqua Zumba classes which are offered by some swimming pools. Besides these, Zumba classes are also available in some public parks where visitors can participate.

General Fitness

As Zumba continues to remain popular, several studies have been conducted to examine its effectiveness. A 2016 literature review concluded that Zumba is an effective workout for improving cardiovascular fitness, with some limited evidence suggesting possible benefits for muscular fitness and flexibility.


Consistency is key when it comes to exercise, and a program that is enjoyable is more likely to be adhered to. Therefore, it's important to find a workout that is both effective and enjoyable. According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Zumba has good feasibility and adherence, making it a sustainable program for sedentary adults with metabolic syndrome. This suggests that Zumba can be an effective and enjoyable way to achieve long-term fitness goals.

Energy and Health

Exercise is known to have positive effects on mood, self-esteem, and energy levels, and Zumba has been studied for its psychological benefits.

In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, healthy women who participated in an 8-week Zumba program reported improved perceptions of physical strength, autonomy, and purpose in life. This program brought an overall improvement in their feelings of health and well-being.

These findings suggest that Zumba may be an effective way to improve both physical and psychological health.

Psychological Benefits

Apart from its physical benefits, Zumba also has psychological advantages. As a fun and engaging workout, it can help reduce stress and mental pressure by allowing the participants to focus on the music and dance steps. This activity can also help release endorphins that promote happiness. Additionally, Zumba's group workouts can make individuals more socially active and provide an opportunity to interact with other participants during the class.

Risks of Zumba Dance

Zumba dance has its share of disadvantages along with benefits. Let's have a look at some of the cons of this popular dance workout.

Risk of Dehydration

Zumba involves a fast-paced routine that can cause excessive sweating, leading to dehydration if you don't replenish fluids by drinking enough water during and after the workout.

Difficulty in Learning and Remembering Steps

As Zumba dance draws inspiration from Latin dance styles, it requires coordination and rhythm, making it challenging to perform. Furthermore, the quick routine makes it challenging to recall the steps, leading to incorrect movements that can cause injury.

Limited Improvement in Muscle Strength

Although Zumba dance is an effective way to boost your aerobic endurance, it does not provide significant benefits in terms of building muscle strength. To achieve muscular strength, individuals need to incorporate weighted exercises into their workout routines.

Where to Learn Zumba Dance Online at Free of Cost

If someone is interested in learning Zumba dance, he or she doesn't necessarily need to join a gym or take in-person classes. There are plenty of free online resources available to help him or her get started.

YouTube is an excellent place to start looking for free Zumba classes. Several instructors offer videos that can be found by simply searching "Zumba" or "Zumba dance" in the YouTube search bar. One can also try searching for specific Zumba songs or routines that one enjoys.

Another option is to visit the official Zumba website (https://www.zumba.com/en-US/). The site offers free tutorials and videos for beginners, as well as more advanced routines for those looking for a challenge. The Zumba website also provides information on licensed Zumba instructors, if someone decides to take in-person classes in the future.

There are also several mobile apps available for download that offer free Zumba dance tutorials and routines, including Zumba Dance and Zumba Fitness.


Zumba Dance is a Latin-inspired fitness program that combines dance and exercise. It has gained immense popularity in recent years and is offered in various forms across fitness centers, swimming pools, and independent instructors. Studies have shown that Zumba can effectively improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and psychological well-being. However, it also has some potential risks such as dehydration, difficulty in learning the dance steps, and limited muscle strength building. Nonetheless, with its fun and dynamic routines, Zumba continues to be a favored workout for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Bd-pratidin English/Lutful Hoque

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