E-Paper বাংলা
2023-04-18 12:41:52

Steps to keep aware during ongoing heave wave

Online Desk

Steps to keep aware during ongoing heave wave

Currently, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and other countries are experiencing an extreme heat wave.

Daily temperature in many places of Bangladesh exceeded 42.5 degrees Celsius. It may rise further.  

According to the met office, if the temperature in any locality increased from 40 to 42 degrees Celsius is called an extreme heat wave.

During the heat wave, people are affected with various diseases as the human body stops the process of cold if the temperature rises above 35 degrees Celsius. As a result, extremely hot weather can be dangerous for fatty people. Doctors advised some suggestions and awareness creating messages about the heat wave.

What to do and what to not

1. Drink enough water. Don't drink very cold water when the temperature reaches 40 ° C, as our small blood vessels may burst.

2. When the heat outdoors reaches 38 ° C and when you come home, don’t drink cold water - drink only warm water slowly. 

3. Do not wash your hands or feet immediately, if they are exposed to the hot sun. Wait at least half an hour before washing or showering.

4. Don’t come out from home unnecessarily. Especially between 11 am to 4 pm as this time the hot feels bad. It’s better to stay home during the period.

5. Keep an umbrella, and cap during staying outside the home. Wear lightweight, loose clothing. Avoid tight and synthetic clothes.

6. Drink water regularly after a fixed time. Keep water during day travel.

7. Drink ORS Orsaline if you feel discomfort. You can also drink the juice of various fruits and lassi. Keep your body hydrated in these ways.  

8. Don’t stay outside the home for a long time. Those who do a job on the streets; should keep themselves cold in many ways.

9. Don’t enter an air-conditioned room immediately after visiting hot weather. Similarly, don’t come to the direct sun immediately after spending time in an air-conditioned room. Our body should give time to adjust to normal temperature.

10. Our body should keep cold to avoid heat stroke and heat cramps. If anyone gets ill, bring him or her to a cold place and weep his or her body with cold water.

11. Avoid stale food.

12. Must bathe every day.

Bd-pratidin English/Golam Rosul

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