E-Paper বাংলা
2024-03-19 08:57:35

Israel attacks military positions near Damascus

Online Desk

Israel attacks military positions near Damascus

The Israeli regime has attacked a number of military positions belonging to Syria near the Arab country's capital of Damascus, Press TV reported.  

The Syrian defense ministry announced the development in a statement, specifying the exact timing of the attack as "around 02:10 am" Tuesday.  

"The Israeli enemy launched an air aggression from the direction of the [Tel Aviv-] occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of military points in the Damascus countryside," the statement said.

"Our air defense forces responded to the aggression’s missiles and shot down some of them, and the losses were limited to material," it added.

The attack came only two days after the Israeli regime carried out a missile attack against Syria, targeting the country's southern areas and injuring one soldier.

Prior to that, the regime had staged an airstrike against a suburb of Damascus late last month, causing some material damage.

Also last month, at least three people were killed when an Israeli unnamed aerial vehicle conducted a strike against the western Syrian province of Homs, close to the border with Lebanon.


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