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2024-04-08 10:33:17

Germany faces Gaza genocide case at UN court

Online Desk

Germany faces Gaza genocide case at UN court

Germany faces charges from Nicaragua at the top UN court on Monday that it is "facilitating the commission of genocide" against Palestinians with its military and political support for Israel, AFP reported.

Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), demanding judges impose emergency measures to stop Berlin providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.

Germany has hit back at the allegations, with Sebastian Fischer, spokesman for the German foreign ministry, telling reporters ahead of the hearings: "We reject the allegations from Nicaragua."

"Germany has violated neither the Genocide Convention nor international humanitarian law and we will demonstrate this in full before the International Court of Justice," added Fischer.

Nicaragua will set out its case on Monday, with Germany due to respond the following day.

In a 43-page submission to the court, Nicaragua argues that Germany is in breach of the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention, set up in the wake of the Holocaust.

Nicaragua asked the ICJ to decide "provisional measures" -- emergency orders imposed while the court considers the broader case.

It is "imperative and urgent" the court orders such measures given that the lives of "hundreds of thousands of people" are at stake, runs the Nicaraguan case.


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