E-Paper বাংলা
2023-10-08 15:50:09

Twink Carol: A journey of dance, fashion, and fun

Online Desk

Twink Carol: A journey of dance, fashion, and fun

Twink Carol has a special story about doing exciting things in the digital world. It all started in 2019, and when COVID-19 came, Twink faced challenges but also found new opportunities.

Her journey is like a beautiful tapestry with many parts. She took cool photos of herself, danced, sang, and even cooked! She shared all these things on YouTube, and people loved it. Big companies like Unilever and Redmi noticed Twink's talent and wanted to work with her. She also worked with food places, banks, and a famous music show.

Twink is also studying dance at Dhaka University and dreams of having her dance school. She's not just about success; she's about doing what she loves and being true to herself.

In the future, the dancer will do even bigger projects with cool companies. She's showing that you can be yourself and do awesome things in this world, said a media release.

Bd-pratidin English/Golam Rosul

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