E-Paper বাংলা
2024-03-25 20:17:54

Bangladesh won’t accept mastery of any country: BNP

Online Desk

Bangladesh won’t accept mastery of any country: BNP

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said that the people of the country will never tolerate dominance by any external force. 

He made these remarks while addressing a public gathering held in front of the party's Nayapaltan central office in Dhaka on Monday on the occasion of Independence and National Day-2024. 

“We didn’t inherit Bangladesh, rather we paid a high price for it. Our independence was secured with our blood," he said.  

Commemorating the past, Fakhrul said that the external world has witnessed the struggles the countrymen endured to secure Bangladesh's independence, banglanews24.com reported.

“In this context, we must reject any attempt by other countries to exert dominance over us. We didn't tolerate it during the Mughal, British, and Pakistan periods, and we will not tolerate it now or in the future,” he said.

Calling upon the party’s top leaders to involve the young generation and common people with their anti-government movement, Fakhrul said Awami League is hanging on to power forcibly by hatching many tricks.   

“We cannot topple the fascist government unless we take to the streets with the young and common people,” Fakhrul said.

The country’s political arena was a bit vibrant for the last couple of days as BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has recently called for boycotting Indian products for India’s unsolicited support to the ruling Awami League despite the government's repressive and oppressive acts to the opposition. 

The country's political arena was seen more vibrant with BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi calling for a boycott of Indian products.

Rizvi further said Awami League could not cling to the state power without the backing of India's Modi government.

This call comes in response to India’s unwarranted support for the ruling Awami League, despite the government’s repressive and oppressive actions against the opposition party men. 

Responding to such an audacious call, many senior leaders of the ruling Awami League, including its General Secretary Obaidul Quader, strongly criticised the BNP leader, saying that Rizvi was projecting his dormant allegiance to Pakistan by expressing anger towards India.


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