E-Paper বাংলা
2024-06-29 18:51:57

‘Bangladesh ranks 33rd largest economy worldwide’

Online Desk

‘Bangladesh ranks 33rd largest economy worldwide’

Showing the statistics of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that Bangladesh is now the 33rd largest economy out of the top 50 largest economies in the world. 

“IMF has prepared a list of the world’s 50 largest economies and Bangladesh secured the 33rd position,” said the prime minister while addressing the budget session of the parliament on Saturday, Daily Sun reports.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the main indicator of internal economic activities of a country and its size has increased in Bangladesh even in the year of extreme global economy challenges, she said.

About the proposed national for the fiscal year 2024-25, the prime minister said, “The budget is not high-ambitious indeed. We designed such a big budget, considering the potential challenges.”

She noted that citing the growth target set at 6.75 per cent, the country's economy showed positive growth, contrasting with negative growth in other countries, including those in the West.


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