E-Paper বাংলা
2024-07-15 20:39:28

Teachers mediating between 'warring parties' at DU

Online Desk

Teachers mediating between 'warring parties' at DU

Teachers of the University of Dhaka (DU), aided by policemen, are trying to ease tensions and end a pitched battle between quota reform protesters and BCL activists that erupted around 5:30pm Monday at the Shahidullah Hall area of the university.

The clashes on the university campus resumed following about an hour’s pause and extended from in front of Dhaka Medical College Hospital to Doyel Chattar, Daily Sun reports.

In the evening, the mediators took position in the middle of the BCL members, who gathered at Doyel Chattar, and the general students, who were throwing brick chips from inside Shahidullah Hall.

Earlier, around 3:00 pm clashes started when quota reform protesters tried to enter the university's Bijoy Ekattor Hall while returning from a demonstration held at Raju Bhashkorjo.

Around 4:00 pm, BCL leaders and activists took control of the campus after chasing out the student protesters from different points of the university.

Later, upon learning that the protesting students were staying at DMCH with their injured fellows, the BCL leaders marched towards the hospital area with local weapons.

Chase and counter-chases started again when leaders from the ruling party’s student wing allegedly tried to evict the students, who had helped over a hundred injured protesters reach the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), from the hospital compound.

Some students from near Shahidullah Hall area also reported hearing gunshots.


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