E-Paper বাংলা
2024-08-12 17:19:04

Resume work in full swing in 7-day, Yunus to secretaries

Online Desk

Resume work in full swing in 7-day, Yunus to secretaries

Chief Adviser of the Interim Government Nobel Laureate Dr Mohammad Yunus has instructed all secretaries to start work of their respective ministries in full swing on a priority basis to get rid of the country’s prevailing situation.

“Make all ministries and departments fully functional within seven days,” Mezbah Uddin Chowdhury, secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration, quoted the Chief Adviser as saying during a meeting with the secretaries on Monday, Daily Sun reports.

Earlier in the day, the chief adviser held a meeting with the secretaries around 25 ministries, who were deprived of promotion for a long time, at the secretariat in Dhaka.

Priority should be given to urgent issues, including fertiliser, electricity, agriculture, energy, ports and food, and a list should be prepared for taking action on a priority basis, Mezbah Uddin said while addressing a press conference after the meeting, quoting the chief adviser. 


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