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2024-08-29 12:57:03

Ha-Meem Group's A.K Azad: The story of forest land grabbing

Online Desk

Ha-Meem Group's A.K Azad: The story of forest land grabbing

In Telihati Union of Gazipur’s Sreepur Upazila, Ha-Meem Industrial Park was established across an extensive area by cutting through the core of the sal forest. This empire of Ha-Meem, built on illegally occupied forest land, has led to a nearly two-decade-long conflict between the group's owner, AK Azad and the Forest Department.

The Forest Department and local administration have consistently found themselves helpless against the wealth, muscle power, and political influence of this forest land grabber, AK Azad. Despite multiple attempts, the encroached land has not been recovered; instead, Ha-Meem has expanded its illegal holdings.

The Forest Department has raised concerns about the environmental damage caused by the industrial park, which spans nearly five kilometres. The filling of low-lying lands and the discharge of toxic waste from the factories, including Ha-Meem Denims, Ha-Meem Spinning, and Ha-Meem Textiles, have severely impacted local public health.

The Forest Department first filed a case against Ha-Meem Group in 2007, but it remains unresolved. Additional land seizures led to a second case in 2018. Meanwhile, Ha-Meem has countersued the Forest Department four times. Despite reclaiming eight acres of land in a recent operation, Ha-Meem's retaliation, supported by political figures like former Deputy Minister of Forests and Environment Abdullah Al Islam Jakob, has thwarted further action.

A.K. Azad's influence extends beyond legal and political channels; his associates have also used threats and violence against forest officials. In one incident, armed men under his command abducted a forest officer from the Shimlapara Beat, only to release him after negotiations. Since then, Forest Department staff have been living in fear, with many too intimidated to enforce the law against Ha-Meem.

Despite the dire situation, efforts to recover the forest land have been stalled. According to the latest reports, Ha-Meem Group has occupied at least 16 acres (approximately 52 bighas) of Forest Department land, though the actual figure may be higher.

Chief Conservator of Forests Md Amir Hossain Chowdhury acknowledged the long-standing conflict with A.K. Azad but noted that legal efforts have been largely ineffective. Gazipur's Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue & LA), Syed Fayezul Islam, confirmed that no eviction notice has been received against Ha-Meem Group, as cases against the company remain unresolved.

Hossain Muhammad Nishad, Conservator of Forests at the Dhaka Central Forest Department, explained that eviction proposals cannot be submitted while legal proceedings are ongoing.

Meanwhile, A.K. Azad continues to acquire adjacent private land through local agents, often using underhanded tactics to cheat landowners out of their property. One such victim, Ibrahim Molla from Faridpur village, lamented losing both his land and money to Ha-Meem Group, describing how he is now barred from even entering the industrial park.

A.K. Azad was unavailable for comment about the allegation when contacted over phone on Wednesday.

Following the ouster of the Sheikh Hasina government on 5 August, Nobel Laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus assumed leadership of the interim government, with Syeda Rizwana Hasan taking charge of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Known for her relentless fight against illegal land grabs, Rizwana Hasan now has the opportunity to take decisive legal action against such encroachments.

Contacted, Rizwana Hasan emphasised the need to follow legal processes in reclaiming the forest land. She acknowledged the political influence and collusion that have allowed factories to operate within the forest and stressed the importance of verifying land records. "If the forest department's legal position is strong, I will use all my legal power to protect that land," she said, adding that any reforms will be carried out within the existing legal framework, Daily Sun reports.


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