E-Paper বাংলা
2024-08-30 11:02:42

One lakh Chandpur residents waterlogged for over a week

Online Desk

One lakh Chandpur residents waterlogged for over a week

More than one lakh residents of Shahrashti and Kachua upazilas in Chandpur have been trapped in floodwaters for over a week, with no access to food or drinking water, UNB reports.

The ongoing crisis, caused by the floodwater from neighbouring Cumilla, Feni, and Noakhali districts, has left thousands of families in Chandpur in desperate need.

The response from authorities has been limited so far. Shahrashti Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Md. Yasir Arafat said that over 55,000 people remain waterlogged, with 3,500 people relocated to shelters across 10 unions. However, many residents are still waiting for much-needed assistance. 

Kachua Upazila Nirhabi Officer Ehsan Murad confirmed that some have been moved to shelters, with dry food being distributed, but the situation remains critical.

As of Thursday, entire villages, roads, and farmlands remain submerged, with many homes under knee-deep water. Livestock and poultry farmers face dire conditions, as their animals are stranded without proper shelter or care.

Local residents are going through extreme hardships, with many unable to cook or access clean water. Despite some relief efforts from political and voluntary organisations, the situation is far from resolved. Initial supplies of dry food have run out, leading to a severe shortage of food and potable water.

Dulal Mia, a resident of Pipulkra village, shared that their homes have been underwater for 10 days. Many have taken refuge with relatives in higher areas, but others continue to live in flooded conditions.

Anam Mia of Rajshree village echoed similar concerns, saying his house has been submerged for a week, and he has had to seek shelter in a local school.


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