E-Paper বাংলা
2023-01-29 10:59:23

Emphasis should be placed on awareness and promotion

Dr. Samanta Lal Sen

Emphasis should be placed on awareness and promotion

Burn patients are increasing due to lack of awareness. So everyone should be aware to prevent accidents from gas leakage.

At the same time, awareness campaign should be emphasized in this regard. Only then it is possible to prevent accidents from gas leakage.

The government is setting up 100-bed full-fledged burn units in five medical college hospitals outside Dhaka to provide fast and advanced medical care to these patients who have been burnt by fire across the country.

Many burn patients can’t admit in time to such burn units from remote areas. Due to this, the risk of death increases and many lose their limbs. In this, the burn patient has to carry physical problems throughout his life.

Apart from this, in the case of burn patients, it is also the case that treatment is required for two consecutive years. It takes team-work based treatment. As a result, emphasis should be placed on reducing the number of patients.

A large proportion of patients are with burns from gas leakage. In this case, those who connect the gas lines, the landlords and those who live in the house, doubt whether they ever monitor or supervise it. If the cause of leakage of gas lines cannot be found by monitoring, then this death march will be longer day by day.

There is no substitute for awareness in this case. Where the government, Titus Gas Authority, landlords, politicians, doctors, media workers—everyone should speak from their position.

A large burn unit has never been built in the current medical facilities outside Dhaka to treat all burn patients.

However, it has been started by the honorable Prime Minister. The construction of 100 ward burn unit has started in five medical college hospitals of the country including Chattogram. Once these five major burn units are operational, the treatment of burn victims will become easier rather than a crisis.

Awareness and prevention should be emphasized along with treatment of the burned. As a part of this, campaign will be carried out in neighborhoods and neighborhoods. If there is publicity in mass media, then the area of ​​awareness will increase. For this it is the responsibility of both the tenant and the renter to be responsible in this regard.

Whether the gas line is in order or not, whether the pipe is leaking or not—it should be repaired. It is important to take care of whether there is any illegal connection or not.

Writer: Coordinator, Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery

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