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2023-04-02 09:46:43

Taking stand against state a crime, not journalism

Syed Borhan Kabir

Taking stand against state a crime, not journalism

What is journalism? There are many recognized and  accepted definitions of journalism in the world. However, my favorite definition of journalism is 'communicating information to the public in an impartial manner'. Unbiased and impartial information can sometimes go against the government. It can criticise the government. If that information is accurate and truthful, publication of it will be the job of journalism. And if information is published in distorted, coloured, and bias manner, it is called "Negative Journalism". In modern times, another trend has emerged beyond journalism using the media as a weapon against the state and the people. If media is used for a specific agenda, it is called 'No Journalism'. Such journalistic activity is now a criminal offense.      Journalism protection does not apply to them. In all developed countries including the United States, 'no journalism' is now considered as a crime. Amid Russia-Ukraine warfare, no media outlet in the United States can take a pro-Russian stance and no US media can support communism. No one writes in favour of it because media cannot take a stand against the state. In Germany, if someone publishes news supporting the Nazis, it is not considered as journalism or No Journalism. It is considered a reprehensible offense. Therefore, anything published in the media is no longer acceptable as journalism or news. If any news published in the newspaper deliberately spreads propaganda against the state and creates disgust, hostility, and division in society, it is ‘No Journalism’. This will now be considered as a criminal offense. The era of unethical journalism is now over. If someone gives incomplete information, does not check enough facts, or does not give the victim an opportunity to defend himself, it is bad journalism. But spreading filth and slander in a planned manner, damaging the state system, damaging someone's character is nothing but a crime. Such criminals can never be considered as journalists. Taking legal action against them cannot be regarded as attack on newspapers. For example, a blog was recently banned in Germany for publishing an article supporting the Nazis. The writer was arrested. Meanwhile, human rights organisations expressed concern about freedom of expression. But the German court says it is not journalism but specific offenses. Taking action against a publishing platform when it commits crimes can never be considered as a blow to independent journalism.

I mentioned these words because recently there has been a mourning over the freedom of the media. Various international right defenders, including UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, are complaining against curtailment of freedom of the press in Bangladesh. The reason for their outcry is the arrest of a reporter of an influential newspaper and a case against the editor. This has sparked a wave of unrest. On March 26, the newspaper published a news card. A seven-year-old child's quote on the card reads, "What will we do with freedom if we don't have rice in our stomachs? When we go to the market, we sweat. We need the freedom of fish, meat, and rice." There are two sides to this published news card. Firstly, it should be verified as to whether the 7-year-old child said this or not. Secondly, it should be judged whether a responsible media can publish such statements truly made by the boy. If we review the first point, we will see that the child (whose real name is Sabuj not Zakir) said no such thing. He was given Tk 10 and taught some bullies to say against the state. Both the reporter and the newspaper have committed a crime which is not related to journalism. The first crime is child abuse. It is clearly stated in the child rights certificate that a child cannot be coaxed or intimidated into doing anything. It is oppression, crime. But the popular newspaper has committed that crime. The second offense is that on the occasion of the great Independence Day, the newspaper indulged in self-motivated conspiracy to question independence. They have used the newspaper as a tool for implementing conspiracy. It is said in the newspaper that he is a day labourer, but the newspaper could not prove that either. After the incident, the newspaper raised two points in its defence. Firstly, the newspaper claims that they mistakenly printed a picture of Sabuj instead of Zakir (day labourer). Secondly, they discarded the news card 17 minutes after seeing the mistake. Printing Sabuj's picture instead of Zakir is just a mistake or deliberate. The newspaper makes such a responsible claim and has a skilled editorial panel. How can such a 'mistake' go unnoticed by them? Secondly, where is the day labourer Zakir? For the sake of argument, even if he did say such a thing, is it appropriate to publish such statement that questions the independence? It is surprising that a day labourer can speak such poetic words. The paper said the card was taken down 17 minutes after it was published. But the anti-state card which undermines our sacred independence is being spread all over the world by the anti-liberation evil force. What did the newspaper do to stop them? Or did the newspaper they deliberately create this scandal? The savvy journalist and swashbuckling newspaper knew that using the child for this will quickly catch the attention of readers and go viral. This statement is actually not made by Sabuj or any day labourer Zakir. This is the statement of the editorial board of the newspaper. Editor's brainchild. They did it by design. The reason behind such a perception is the newspaper's past record, editorial policy and reporting style. It is not actually a newspaper but a deadly weapon against the freedom of the country.

Depoliticisation and endangering democracy have been the main aim of this newspaper since its inception. Questioning the progress and development of the country, spreading planned lies against politicians, this newspaper started its journey during the Awami League period (in 1998). Right after the publication, they started a planned campaign against the Awami League. By printing one false news after another, the newspaper declared war against the then Awami League government. The BNP-Jamaat alliance came to power after the October 2001 elections. At that time the newspaper criticised the BNP but was silent against the Jamaat. But since 2006, the real character of the newspaper has been revealed. The newspaper took a direct stand in favour of depoliticisation. It assassinates characters of politicians apart from perpetuating false propaganda against the country's economy. This newspaper played a key role in bringing an unelected government in 2007. An English daily was hand in glove. The newspaper did not do journalism at the time of one-eleven but acted as a baton for an undemocratic and unelected government. On June 11, 2007, the editor of that newspaper published a front-page editorial under the title, "Both leaders must step down." Can a newspaper give such a directive to political leaders to step down from their politics? Is it journalism? It was the implementation of the “minus formula” of the one-eleven government. This newspaper was biased, presenting ugly and false news, one after another, taking sides with those who wanted to prolong power. Their main objective was to create public animosity towards politicians. This is not journalism; it is a crime. At that time, these two newspapers were involved in another conspiracy against the state. They used the newspapers as weapons of destructing the country's economy. Private sectors have a great contribution to our economy. Private entrepreneurs contribute significantly to the country's development. At the time of one-eleven, those two newspapers started attacking the private sector of the country. They began spreading false rumours against the country's economy and large industrial conglomerates. As a result, several important and wealthy entrepreneurs were arrested. Many left the country to protect their dignity. At that time these two newspapers became tools of extortion by some crooks of the one-eleven regime. The two newspapers used to create traps by publishing false reports. And under the patronage of the government, miscreants used to go and loot these business and their industrial establishments. Thousands of crores of money have been extorted from various businessmen and industrial establishments in this way during one-eleven. These two newspapers deserved extortion cases, but no one dared to sue them. They are getting some kind of impunity under the shield of so-called journalism. They enjoyed this impunity for all misdeeds. It is like if you are a journalist, all of your sins are forgiven. You are above law. This newspaper in question earlier hurt our religious sentiments. They once drew a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which was a part of their anti-state activities. Even then, the editor of that newspaper saved himself by 'repenting', while his colleagues were sent to jail. At that time, his name was "Tawba" editor. The same kind of cowardly act has been done by that 'Jatir Vivek' famous editor this time as well. Journalist in jail, editor out. This newspaper has written an obscene story against the Ganajagaran Mancha, which has also tarnished the reputation of journalism and the newspaper. The defeated power of 1971 does not forget its defeat and has conspired to take revenge. This newspaper group is also like the assassins of the 1970s. After the defeat of one-eleven, they again embarked on a new mission to destroy democracy and economy. The March 26 news card is not a piece of news. This card is an example of the anti-Bangladesh activities that the newspaper has been involved in for the past few years. It can be understood that it is a part of the constant conspiracy against the state in its activities of the past era. It was this newspaper that wrote the report with the official announcement that, there will be no Padma Bridge. It was this newspaper who wrote that 'Bangladesh will become Sri Lanka.'  It was this newspaper who wrote the thriller story of 'Terrible September' to bring the collapse of the banking sector. What this newspaper has done against Islami Bank and other commercial banks is not journalism but crime against the state. Bank fraud. Since its establishment, the newspaper has taken a position against Bangladesh, against the people of this country, against development. It's not really a newspaper. A terrible weapon of anti-state conspiracy. So, I would like to make a humble request. Please don't treat this as a newspaper.  Don't try to make them heroes again by enforcing questionable, controversial and ineffective laws against them like Digital Security Act or Press Council.

They are violators of children's human rights. The newspaper is accused of abusing child or seducing children. They should be prosecuted for child abuse. They have killed the child Abrar before. That is why they are chargesheeted accused.

They are conspirators against the state. They have waged war against Bangladesh. The Section 124 ka of the Penal Code must be applied against them.

They must be prosecuted for destroying bank accounts and committing fraud. Please do not disrespect this noble profession by calling them journalists. They are not journalists, but criminals.

(The writer is the executive director of Pariprekkhit)

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