E-Paper বাংলা
2023-05-13 11:00:46

From Begum Zia to Imran Khan and 'Love for Pakistan’

Syed Borhan Kabir

From Begum Zia to Imran Khan and 'Love for Pakistan’

‘Starving Pakistan is burning in the flames of politics.’ This headline of Anandabazar newspaper tells everything about the current situation of the state of Pakistan. Pakistan exemplifies the outcome of a failed, terrorist state. The corrupt politicians, through their wicked politics, lead the country towards a dangerous catastrophe. The late leader of the Pakistan People's Party and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto once said in an interview with BBC, 'The fate of Pakistan's politics is not determined by its people, but by the military and the West.' Pakistan's military, whom they favor, places them on the throne. They also remove them from power whenever they want. The country's opportunistic politicians also know this very well. Their main goal is to gain the trust of the military generals and attain power through conspiracies against the people. They use political manipulation to ascend to power and amass enormous wealth. Those who have gained power in Pakistan have looted the people's assets. They want to secure their future by smuggling money abroad. The primary objective of the Pakistani military is to nurture global terrorism and extremism. Creating turmoil in the world through militancy, separatism. Recently, a study has shown that Pakistan has spent three times more on causing damage to other nations than on its own development.

However, what is happening in Pakistan since May 9th is quite different. The arrest of Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and a cricket legend, has sparked protests in the country. People have taken to the streets in various regions, and military installations are being attacked. Even the army is not able to handle the public protest. BBC reports that the arrest of Imran Khan has triggered the biggest unrest in Pakistan since the death of Benazir Bhutto. However, those who analyze Pakistan deeply say something else. They believe that the entire incident has been staged. The upcoming elections in Pakistan are scheduled for December. This drama to arrest Imran Khan is only to disrupt the election. Case after case is being filed against Imran Khan. If he is convicted in any of these cases, he will be disqualified for the upcoming elections. As a result, the situation will become even more chaotic and heated. Consequently, another individual like Jiaul Haq or Parvez Musharraf, will take the throne. Only time will tell what the future holds for Pakistan. However, this political turmoil will be a destructive blow to the country standing on the brink of bankruptcy.

The love for Pakistan in the in the politics of Bangladesh has not diminished. From 1975 to 2008, Pakistani admirers dreamed of making Bangladesh a Pakistan again. They did not spare any effort in pursuing this dream. Even now, many politicians in Bangladesh cry out for their ‘Beloved Pakistan’. Just a few days ago, the General Secretary of the BNP, Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, almost in tears, said, "Pakistan's rule was good." Oh, how wonderful those days were! An eloquent leader of the once left and now semi-BNP even said in a talk show that 'Pakistan is ahead in many indicators.' They have said it openly, but there are still many people in the country and the government who have ‘Pakistan in their heart.’ Pakistan, the failed and corrupt state, has two visible successes in my opinion. Firstly, it embraces terrorism and extremism. Wherever there are terrorist organizations in the world, Pakistan's involvement can be found. Without Pakistan, there would be no terrorist groups in the world. Terrorism would not have reached such a dangerous level. Secondly, in recent 52 years, some people in Bangladesh have been haunted by the ghost of Pakistani sentiment. Pakistani intelligence agencies have successfully created some terrifying Pakistani sympathizers in all sectors of Bangladesh. They shout 'Marry me' to the Pakistani cricketer. When Pakistan wins, they cheer loudly with the Pakistani flag. Be proud to wear Pakistani jersey. However, ISI's most nefarious plan has severely tainted Bangladesh's political landscape with pro-Pakistan sentiment. Our liberation war ended in 71. But since then, the phase of seeking revenge began. The horrific tragedy of August 15, 1975, prompted me to conduct a different kind of research and I have observed that those involved in the heinous massacre of '75 had all participated in the liberation war at the very end, when Bangladesh's victory was only a matter of time. So why did Faruk, Rashid, Dalim, Shahriar, and all the other killers participate in the war? It is almost impossible for them to come from the parts of Pakistan they came from. So was it part of Pakistan's second plan? Did Pakistan send them intentionally? Were they sent knowing that defeat was certain, so that they could destroy our independence in the future? Another important point to consider is that each murderer was close to Zia. Did Zia fight the liberation war in 71 out of love for the country or at the behest of Pakistan, to implement their agenda? The correct answers to all these questions will surely be found in through research. But it is proven that Pakistan has tried to spread influence in the politics of Bangladesh even after independence. BNP-Jamaat and Razakars of 71, war criminals and their families have been raised and nurtured by Pakistan. The evidence can be found in the confessional statement given by the former Director General (DG) of the Pakistani intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt. General (Retd.) Asad Durrani, in court. In March 2012, Durrani informed the Supreme Court of Pakistan that during the 1991 elections, the ISI gave 50 crore rupees to the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Not only that, the book "Inside ISI" says that "At least a dozen political parties and Islamic organizations in different countries, including BNP in Bangladesh, are the creation of Pakistan." It is claimed in the book that ISI had a direct role in creating them. The result of this continuous effort of Pakistan is well visible in the politics of Bangladesh. The recent events in Pakistan are painful, depressing and also a multidimensional lesson for them. Sitting in Bangladesh, those who cry for Pakistan, what can they learn from Pakistan? Firstly, if those who love Pakistan notice after the arrest of Imran Khan, they will see a spontaneous outburst of dissatisfaction. Common people have taken to the streets. Gave their life without hesitation. The reason for this is the popularity of Imran Khan. Imran Khan is undoubtedly the most popular politician in Pakistani politics today. If the leader is popular, the people do not hesitate to give their lives for him, the incident of Imran proved it again. In February 2018, Begum Khaleda Zia was convicted in a corruption case. The leaders of the BNP had stated, "Khaleda Zia cannot be detained for even a day. The whole country will be on fire. The government will fall. But Begum Zia was imprisoned for more than two years after her arrest. BNP could not even light a candle for the release of their leader, let alone start a movement. Many BNP leaders, who had declared a fierce mass uprising, comfortably stayed at their air conditioned homes. A BNP leader took up a permanent position in the party office in the hope that people would come out on the streets. But there was no movement. The leaders of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), including the Secretary-General, often resort to crying foul. They complain that they are not allowed to organize protests, and instead, they are arrested and harassed. It seems like they think that the government will entertain them and say, do the movement. We are with you. Maybe they don’t understand that protests are not just fruitless endeavors; they must be organized. The people are not fools. The people know who they take to the streets for. Millions of people have taken to the streets for Imran Khan. The situation cannot be handled even by bringing down the army. But even the party leaders and workers did not take to the streets for Begum Zia. Pakistan lovers can learn two lessons from this. First of all; Begum Zia is not in the hearts of common people. The common people do not consider her as one of their own. Why would the general public take risks for distant people? Second: The common people of Pakistan think that Imran Khan is a victim of revenge. He has been wrongfully arrested. That's why they came down to the streets. But in case of Begum Zia the situation is completely opposite. She has been convicted through a lengthy legal process. That's why the common people were never interested in making a fuss about the issue. BNP is still trying to bring down the government. The party, which has been out of power for over 16 years, claims that the government will be overthrown through the movement. The movement requires the participation of the common people. Where is the common people?

One issue that the course of events in Pakistan has brought to the fore is 'movement through conspiracy'. Since its establishment, Pakistan has witnessed numerous protests, with the involvement of the military and support from foreign countries. However, none of these protests have resulted in the establishment of democracy; instead, they have led to military rule. Following Imran's arrest, there is speculation that the ongoing protests will be suppressed, and the country will be subjected to another period of military rule. Is the BNP also busy aiming to bring an unelected government to power? Significantly, the working agenda of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) is more focused on being excessively diplomatic rather than engaging the masses. BNP leaders remain busy with various missions, lunches and dinners at embassies than spending time with the people. They are well imbued with the Pakistani spirit. Therefore, they think that the real power lies elsewhere and not with the people. BNP still holds the Pakistani ideology of power transition through conspiracies tightly in its grip. But there is a fatal flaw in this ISI formula of BNP. The main protagonists of this prescription for power intrusion through political conspiracies are some generals of the armed forces. But Sheikh Hasina has banned this dangerous game to protect democracy. She has transformed the Bangladesh Armed Forces into a professional force, dissociating them from politics and preserving the symbol of national sovereignty. Since 1975, the use of the armed forces in politics began in the Pakistani barracks. The violent and controversial tendencies of Pakistani politics, using the military intelligence agency to form political parties, eliminating opposition leaders, etc., have affected the integrity of Bangladesh's sacred armed forces. Zia-Ershad introduced this 'Military Democracy.' Begum Zia and her party BNP continued this tradition. Begum Zia used the armed forces as a tool to stay in power during her two terms. The grenade attack on August 21, 2004, was the most significant evidence of the power held by Begum Khaleda Zia's Bangladesh Army and the violation of protocols and regulations led to the appointment of Moin U Ahmed as the Army Chief. General Mainul became the Army Chief, dismissing seven individuals in the process. Just like the Pakistani style! In 2008, Sheikh Hasina took responsibility as the Prime Minister and brought the armed forces above all disputes. On the other hand, by including Article 7(ka) in the Constitution, she permanently closed the path of unconstitutional means to seize power. Article 7(ka) of the Constitution states:

7(ka) (1) Any person who by the use or application of force or by any other unconstitutional means—

(ka) abrogates, suspends, cancels, or attempts to abrogate, suspend, cancel, or subverts this Constitution or any of its articles; or

(kha) undermines the faith, trust, or confidence of the citizens in this Constitution or any provision thereof, or attempts to do so—

shall be guilty of treason, and the person shall be held liable for the offense of treason.

(2) A person (1) shall be liable for the same punishment if they:

(a) provide assistance or instigation to carry out any act, or

(b) approve, merge, support, or disapprove of an act—

(3) The person found guilty of the offense described in this paragraph shall be subject to the highest penalty prescribed among the penalties for other offenses under the prevailing law.

Article 7(k) of the Constitution is essentially the backbone of democracy. Through this, Bangladesh has permanently closed the path to becoming "Pakistan." Sheikh Hasina has separated Bangladesh from Pakistan in economic, social, and political aspects. Economically, Bangladesh has surpassed Pakistan by a significant margin. Bangladesh is now a role model for development, while Pakistan is considered a failed state. In all social indicators as well, Bangladesh has made significant progress compared to Pakistan. However, in politics, there are still elements in Pakistan who create disturbances. There are numerous instances of the intersection between the politics of Pakistan and the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). For example, all major political parties in Pakistan, such as the People's Party, Muslim League, and Tehreek-e-Islam, believe that they cannot come to power with the support of the people alone. They need the support of other powers to come to power, such as the military and foreign support. A quote of Nawaz Sharif is very popular. Sharif said 'Who will come to power in Pakistan is decided not by the vote but by the US embassy.' Just like a branch of Pakistani politics BNP believes in the same theory. Therefore, they often tour embassies and become involved in foreign affairs, while keeping the people in the dark. Is Nawaz Sharif's statement now also in the heart of Mirza Fakhrul?

Pakistani politicians believe that power is the best way to make money. Go to power, make money and smuggle it. This is the fundamental principle of Pakistani politics. Imran Khan has not followed this path, which is why he is acceptable to the people. However, the real owners of power have abandoned him. BNP's politics is also like this. The amount of national wealth that was looted by Hawa Bhaban and by Tarique Zia between 2001 and 2006 can only be compared to the politicians in Pakistan.

Politicians in Pakistan are ready to do everything to stay in power, even if it means going against the state and the people. If we deeply analyze the politics of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), don't we find similar traits? To stay in power, BNP used Bangladesh as a route to supply weapons to terrorists (10 truckloads of weapons incident). BNP has also manipulated the gas supply for their own benefit in order to maintain power.

A large number of Pakistani politicians migrated abroad after being ousted from power. They do this to protect their looted wealth and avoid punishment for corruption. The late Pervez Musharraf also resorted to such actions. Nawaz Sharif is currently living a luxurious life abroad, enjoying comfort while plotting conspiracies. The important leaders of the BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) are also not exempt from engaging in such activities, are they?

Pakistan is the only country in the world which has a caretaker government system. The main aim of this system of caretaker government is to predetermine who will be installed in power in the elections. The key to power lies not with the people, but with some generals in the US-backed army. Imran Khan's victory in the 2018 elections was unexpected and unusual. There were no questions about Imran's popularity. However, as an organization, the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) was weak. At least not like forming a government. But at that time, Imran was the favorite of the West. So the caretaker government arranged the polls in such a way that the victory of Imran's Tehreek-e-Islam was guaranteed. Pakistan has proved that the 'caretaker government' is actually a powerful tool for orchestrating a covert transfer of power. The switch of this tool remains in the hands of the military and the West. Does the claim of a caretaker government in Bangladesh have the same objective? Is it to seize power from the people and hand it over to the obedient ones? After the heated situation regarding Imran Khan in Pakistan, what will the Pakistan-loving groups in Bangladesh do? Will they cry for their ‘Beloved Pakistan or learn from their mistakes?

Writer: executive director of Poriprekkhit.

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