E-Paper বাংলা
2023-07-03 10:38:52

Bangladesh-India-US relations may open new horizons

Jayanta Ghoshal

Bangladesh-India-US relations may open new horizons

There was a time when the Indian press was very much occupied with the ups and downs of India's diplomatic relations with Pakistan.

I still remember I went to cover the UN General Assembly session with Former Prime Minister of India  Atal Bihari Vajpayee, then we did a lot of research on whether Atal Bihari Vajpayee would meet face to face with Former President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf at the UN office in New York City, whether there could be a picture of a handshake, how much Run away! Ashok Tandon, Atal Bihari Vajpayee's media adviser at that time, once told us that India-Pakistan relations are the major romantic subject of the Indian media. Since 1947 we still cannot forget that fact.

I am a Bengali journalist. Working in Delhi for 40 years. I am forced to say one thing today, as much as the Indian media has spent newsprint on India-Pakistan relations, it has not bothered about India-Bangladesh relations. India-Pakistan has had three full-scale wars. If you count Kargil, it gets four.

Yet the India-Pakistan relationship is like a monkey on a greasy bamboo. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also tried after coming to power in 2014. Having failed once, he did not expend much energy trying to restore relations with Pakistan. And now it has become such a situation that Pakistan is so lonely, so economically distressed, so isolated from the whole world that even the Indian press has lost its enthusiasm about the future of India-Pakistan relations.

Once there was a SAARC meeting. It dominated India-Pakistan bilateral relations so much that various countries including Bangladesh were dissatisfied. The direction and purpose of the entire SAARC is being disrupted for the relationship between Pakistan and India.

Now the time has changed. BIMSTEC has become very important in place of SAARC; However, the Western world is trying to make BIMSTEC irrelevant as well.

Recently, France has put pressure on the US to be invited to BIMSTEC. France has also created new controversies in Western countries.

Skip on that topic. We leave history and come to today's context. This time, the joint statement adopted between the two countries during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US, which directly talked about Pakistan's terrorism, made Pakistan unhappy and angry. So outraged that Pakistan's spokesperson publicly spoke out against America. It has been said that when Pakistan itself is taking measures to fight terrorism, such a statement is unintended.

Swami Vivekananda said in his book 'Karma Yoga' that the human character is the sum of human actions. That is, our character is formed through what we do. I think the character of a state is as much a sum of its actions as a person. The present situation in Pakistan is also the result of his actions. After the partition in 1947, the behavior of Pakistan with India, and even the liberation war of 1971, if we analyze the reasons, it is known that it is necessary to remember again and again, what has Pakistan done with East Pakistan. Pakistan has found its own merits.

Even when Osama Bin Laden was killed, America entered Pakistan and killed Osama. US intelligence gathered all the information. Many people still say that then-President Obama did not give all the information to Pakistan until the last moment. Lest the ISI help Osama escape.

Pakistan's economic condition is now so bad that Pakistan does not even have money to buy weapons. Their weapons are outdated. The quality of arms taken from China is not good. They are asking The US for arms. The US has made it clear that they will get whatever weapons they get as per the old agreement. The US will not make a new deal with them. Pakistan is reaching out to the US for IMF loans. Former Pakistan Army Chief General Bajwa visited the US to meet the Defense Secretary and expressed his interest in starting a dialogue with India as well.

Now the situation is that Pakistan is busy negotiating with India. But Narendra Modi's diplomacy is neither exhortation nor sacrifice. That is, Narendra Modi is not saying that he will never negotiate with Pakistan. Again he is too busy to negotiate with Pakistan - he is not expressing such an attitude.

As far as we know from the sources of the Prime Minister's Secretariat, the Prime Minister now wants to hold elections in Kashmir first. He also instructed the Union Home Minister in this regard. Amit Shah visited Kashmir and held a meeting with Governor Manoj Sinha and local officials.

Elections are to be held in Kashmir this year. Secondly the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s meeting in July. The Prime Minister of Pakistan is supposed to come to that meeting. It is a multilateral meeting. So Pakistan is invited there like others. But it is unlikely that India will meet Pakistan separately at that conference. Not in the program yet. So Narendra Modi is not willing to give undue importance to Pakistan. He took Pakistan out of the discussion. Pakistan is now helpless and isolated.

I always say that after 1947, Pakistan and Bangladesh - these two countries and their history, are like 'A Tale of Two Countries'.

If it is analyzed objectively, it can be understood how the two countries have progressed on different paths and how they have gone on the path of financial progress. Fundamentalists also have power in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh too, Pakistan has tried to use Bangladeshi soil for terrorist activities. Pakistan has its preferred political party for that. After all, there has been a tendency in the past to do these things under the Chinese umbrella.

But the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, has followed a secular path with good relations with all states and has been able to provide credible leadership in counter-terrorism; Which Pakistan has failed to do. And so today when the US is at the mercy of Pakistan, Pakistan has no choice but to express its anger. But it will not make a big difference in world diplomacy.

Even more important than the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s meeting in July is the G20 summit in September. That's because the President of the United States will come to the G20 summit. China's Xi Jinping will come. Not at the Shanghai Co-operation meeting; But Bangladesh is specially invited to the G20 meeting. The G20 summit has become more significant after Modi's visit to the US. Everyone has now become active in this subcontinent, especially in this Gulf world politics. And the arrival of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina means that the issues of this area will also be discussed.

The position of the United States on Bangladesh, the strict attitude shown on the visa policy, has come from Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina herself has been quite vocal about the United States in the Parliament of Bangladesh.

When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed with US President Biden, he did not discuss in the name of Bangladesh. Because it is not customary, the heads of state do not discuss any third sovereign state. For example, Biden did not discuss China and Russia with Modi. But those discussions happen at the level of the National Security Advisor, the Foreign Minister, and the Secretary of State, the discussions that are generally guided by heads of state. In that guideline, India has stated that the United States should not do anything regarding Bangladesh that interferes with India's sovereign interests in the region.

The G20 summit will further strengthen this unity. But the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting has received relatively little media attention. That's because India also doesn't want to attach so much importance to this meeting that the G20 summit is disrupted in any way.

India, USA, and Bangladesh – these three countries are now keeping a close eye on Pakistan to see what happens in Pakistan. To see whether Imran Khan will leave the country in the end, what is his future, what is the future of his party. There is no denying that Imran Khan has public support. Therefore, it is a matter of seeing what Pakistan army can finally take, and what role the Supreme Court of Pakistan, and the Election Commission of Pakistan take on Imran Khan. Secondly, Nawaz Sharif's daughter has come to Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is in London. It is heard that Nawaz Sharif may return to Pakistan. He can come back only with the support of the Pakistan Army. If Nawaz Sharif returns to Pakistan, will his brother step down and give Nawaz Sharif the Prime Ministership or not? That is because Nawaz Sharif himself is a much stronger political leader and authority. Will the United States and India be relatively happy if a politician like Nawaz Sharif, who has been burned by Pakistan's financial crisis, takes charge again? These questions are being stirred now. If Nawaz Sharif comes, will Narendra Modi resume a minimal negotiation process with Pakistan?

All of these are still in the future. Meanwhile, the Khalistani movement has grown in India. Khalistani activities are growing in Canada, and London as well. India is skeptical about Pakistan's role. Pakistan's diplomat working in India was recently summoned by New Delhi. Allegation of Pakistan’s influence among Khalistani activities. However, there is still a ceasefire along the Line of Control in Kashmir. It is a very big priority for India to keep an eye on the situation in Kashmir, what is Pakistan's role there. So many more incidents will happen in Pakistan this year - that is the hope and fear. And in that perspective, the new relationship between Bangladesh-India-United States can be revealed.

Writer: Kaler Kantho Special Correspondent in New Delhi.

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