E-Paper বাংলা
2023-07-10 10:21:25

Bangladesh-India working together to establish peace

Jayanta Ghosal

Bangladesh-India working together to establish peace

When a person is involved in social life, the role of different social organisations, associations, clubs and groups becomes very important to him.

In socialising, an individual citizen gets him involved with football or cricket club, gymnasium et cetera during boyhood, while in the prime years of adulthood, he gets involved with different organisations. For example, Dhaka Club is a posh club in Bangladesh. Journalists have National Press Club. In a similar manner, it happens in the case of a sovereign state. The world consists of many states. The world is sometimes termed the Western world or the Northern world.  Now, the southern world is also advancing like the northern world. The United Nations consists of different countries. All sovereign states of the world formed a club named the League of Nations on the bank of the Hudson River in New York.  The League of Nations was transformed into the United Nations through World War. It is another history. In global politics, one person exercises control over others through different clubs or organisations. In the game of world politics and diplomacy, this type of organisation becomes its major weapon.

China played a major role in the formation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Initially, there were five members in the Shanghai Club. Later, its members increased. In 1996, the Shanghai Club was formed consisting of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. On one side, the Western world formed G-20 and from it, G-7 was created. In recent times, another pressure-creating group was formed consisting of Australia, India and Japan. Many think that the group was formed to counter the policy of expansionism of China. Again, in a similar manner, China and Russia intended to raise the importance of SCO. India, Uzbekistan and Pakistan have become members of the SCO. In the politics of Central Asia and South Asia, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation has become effective in an attempt to play an important role.

This time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the main host of the G-20 summit. He already made a state visit to the United States. During his visit, he held detailed talks with President Biden. On the occasion of the G-20 summit scheduled to be held in September this year, US President Biden and the statesmen of other countries, including China and Russia, will be coming to India. Prior to Modi’s visit to America, the US defence minister went to China for talks with its defence minister. On one side, dialogues were held over civilisation, while on the other side one type of cold war went on. Instead of the former cold war, there started a new type of cold war.

In such a situation, the last meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was held in Indonesia. India joined it. Russian leader Putin sat in a meeting with the Indian leader. There Modi said to Putin that it is not the time for waging a war. He is not in favour of war. He expressed his opinion in favour of ending the war. His statement got wide publicity. Again, in recent times, a meeting of G-7 was held in Japan where Modi took part. Ukraine also participated. At Hiroshima, a meeting was held between India and Ukraine. India tried to play the role of a mediator. Talks were held between India and Ukraine to bring an end to the war.

Many think that an effort will be made to take a stance against the war at the G-20 summit also. In the meantime, the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was supposed to be held in India. But there are many stories as to why it was not held. The meeting was supposed to be held physically in New Delhi, but that was held virtually. Is it because India did not want that?

It will be a simplification if it is told in a word that India did not want it. China and Russia informed India that it is not possible for them to come to India. Russia’s Putin also did not agree to attend the SCO meeting. He intends to come to India to attend the G-20 summit. Xi Jinping of China also said that their foreign minister will come to India if it is held physically. India thought that the meeting will be less important. There is no justification for fomenting excitement over Russia and China. Better let the meeting be held virtually. The meeting was not held for two days, not even one full day. The meeting ended after a few hours. No new epoch-making decision was taken at the meeting. Everyone stressed security. India especially mentioned the terrorist activities of Pakistan. During talks with Biden, India made statements against terrorism.

In such a situation, India is giving due importance to Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been made an invited guest at the G-20 summit. Recently, the Indian foreign secretary (East) visited Dhaka. There he gave a briefing on Modi’s tour and SCO activities. An important discussion was held centring the upcoming BIMSTEC. BIMSTEC is an important organisation that started its journey in 1997. On September 13, 2014, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated its office. BIMSTEC stands for the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation. Initially, BIMSTEC had a few members which now increased manifold.

Initially, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Bangladesh were members of BIMSTEC. Later, Nepal and Myanmar joined it. The Western world is showing keen interest in this organisation. The United States of America will think of guiding the world through the G-20. But BIMSTEC is important for both India and Bangladesh. Some European countries are showing keen interest in it. France wants to be an invited member of BIMSTEC. It intends to take part in the meeting. America did not take it easy. America has questioned why will Europe be interested in it. India thinks that by maintaining the political and diplomatic importance of BIMSTEC, it will be easier to bargain with the Western world. Because of this reason, it is not the intention of India to completely dissolve the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

India wants to proceed very cautiously. The Indian foreign secretary’s visit to Bangladesh and subsequent meetings were very significant. Bangladesh is the next president of BIMSTEC, while India is its secretary general. India is proceeding keeping it in mind. Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen informed that during Indian Foreign Minister (East) Sourav Kumar’s visit to Dhaka, serious discussions were held relating to BIMSTEC. The next summit meeting of BIMSTEC is going to be held in Bangkok on November 30 this year. Keeping it in the forefront, a meeting of foreign ministers of BIMSTEC member countries will probably be held on the 17th instant. Thailand is going to organise it for the first time.

At this moment, BIMSTEC is more important than Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. India has made it clear by sending its foreign minister to Bangladesh. Although Nepal will formally remain in the leadership of BIMSTEC, the role of Bangladesh is very important and its headquarters is also located there. Taking BIMSTEC alongside, India and Bangladesh are jointly moving towards the path of G-20. Bangladesh and India are making anti-war peace efforts together in an attempt to establish peace in the region.

(The writer is a Special Correspondent of The Daily Kaler Kantho in New Delhi)

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