E-Paper বাংলা
2023-09-12 17:13:11

Success of prime minister and national development

Bangabir Kader Siddique Biruttam

Success of prime minister and national development

I am getting old but never understood the mystery of the creation of great Allah. Those whom I see as children are now grandfathers and grandmothers. I was also a child and went around the whole village. These days were not so far. But the time is running out. Honourable Prime Minister and my sister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the Dhaka Elevated Expressway at the old trade fair ground in the capital’s Sher-e-Bangla Nagar on September 2. Everything was so good. On September 5, I crossed this expressway from Dhaka end on my way to attend a meeting of the Iqbal Siddiqui Education Society at Rajendrapur of Gazipur. It took seven and a half minutes to cross the expressway. I have once again gone to the same place on September 9 using this expressway. On the previous day, we crossed the expressway on slow pace. But on September 9, I told my driver to drive at 90km speed. If need drive more fast. But we saw all the vehicles were passing us on the expressway. The speed limit is 60km on the expressway although it was 80km in the main proposal. As a freedom fighter, I can get the favour of 10km extra speed. And as a Biruttam, I also can get the favour of 10km additional speed. As the chief of Kaderia Bahini, I surrendered lakhs of arms to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. For this reason, I can get 2-4-10 kilometre favour. If the road is fine, there is no problem driving at 120km speed per hour in a small car instead of 60km.  

Earlier on June 25 last year, I went to the inaugural ceremony of Padma Bridge. But there was no decorum at that state programme. Ward Awami League leaders sat in the front seats. I was sat on the last seat of the west corner. Late Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury was on my left side. Indian High Commissioner Vikram Kumar Doraiswami was in the next row. Several ministers, whip, and Saima Wazed Putul were on the right side. Putul didn’t call me mama (uncle) how are you? I also didn’t call her. Later, it seemed to me that I was mistaken. I never do such behaviour. Awami League wanted to gather 10 lakh people on the bank of Padma for the opening ceremony. But that plan was not successful. However, the gathering was satisfactory. I say what I see. I have friends as well as enemies. Because many people still cry for Pakistan. Their only capital is to show loyalty to the West. If we were defeated, Bangabandhu would have been hanged. I also would have been hanged instead of getting a kiss. We have sacrificed blood for the country. That’s why I feel the country. I have said several times at many places that I wouldn’t have known the country if I hadn’t joined politics and got Bangabandhu. Love is the greatest wealth in the world. ‘To love the creatures of Allah is to pray to Allah’. These are not simple words. These come from the bottom of my heart. I joined politics because of my elder brother Abdul Latif Siddiqui. I gained the trust and confidence of Bangabandhu after joining politics. I learned to love the country and its people by getting affection and love from Bangabandhu. My country gives me various types of feelings like mother, wife, and children in times. My Kushi brought a cat 3-4 years ago by Tk 100. When I have a meal, this cat accompanies me. The cat is now at the hospital. I have wondered my neighbour's veterinarian doctor Jafrin Jannat has taken the cat to the hospital and conducted surgery. The cat is not in my house for 15 days. Sometimes I want to see this animal. But why I don’t know. I am the most unfit child of my family and the society. I have reached today’s position with only blessings from god. Many people pray for me, many seek prayer from me. I can’t hide any grief and tears in my mind. I run by my heart. It is so easy to kill me by shooting, but not easy to speak out something out of my opinion. I have left Awami League for two eras. I have different opinions on many activities of the Awami League government. But I didn’t leave Father of the Nation for a moment and won’t leave forever. Bangabandhu is my ideal, my party’s ideal, our leader, our party’s leader. I have nothing to do if anyone doesn’t understand this. In the future history, there will be an analysis of the successes and failures of my sister Sheikh Hasina. In that history, constructing Padma Bridge will be one of the main successes of Sheikh Hasina. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan is immortal for building the Taj Mahal. My sister Sheikh Hasina will be considered the same for building Padma Bridge. Honourable Prime Minister and my sister Sheikh Hasina called Syed Abul Hossain in the inaugural ceremony of Padma Bridge. Sheikh Hasina gave the nation an honour alongside Syed Abul Hossain. Abul Hossain was in the primary stage of the elevated expressway. 

The organisers would have benefitted if they had invited Syed Abul Hossain to the opening ceremony of the expressway. That honour would have not only for Syed Abul Hossain but also for all of us including the prime minister. Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque couldn’t get a seat at the programme. I feel very bad. He is now the number one minister. His position is after my sister. This status should be noticed at the state functions. I was in India for 16 years. I have attended many important state events as an important guest including of prime minister and the president. India shows respect to the seniors which is out of imagination. A minister today may not be a minister tomorrow. New ministers and lawmakers may come. But if a leader becomes a real leader, he always will get proper honour. A few years ago at a function of the Awami League, I saw Tofail Ahmed in the spectator seat and Nooh-Ul-Alam Lenin was on the stage. He was then probably the presidium member of the Awami League. He was released from jail on February 22, 1969. The following day, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was publicly honoured as ‘Bangabandhu’ (Friend of Bengal) by acclamation at the rally. Tofail Ahmed gives him the honorary title of 'Bangabandhu’ on behalf of the nation. From February 23-March 24, Nooh-Ul-Alam Lenin at a rally in Paltan satired the title saying, “Hey Tofail, we cut your ‘Bangabandhu’ into pieces.” After saying that Nooh-Ul-Alam Lenin tore some leaflets into pieces and threw them in the air. I recalled that picture. So, I can’t stay but say.   

I don’t understand the internet. Don’t take advantage of mobile phones. But, I can’t avoid it if suddenly something appears in front of my eyes. Recently, I saw the Facebook status of a young man. He wrote, “Bangabir Kader Siddique Biruttam often said Chhatra Union leader Begum Matia Chowdhury and few other leaders uttered insulting words against Bangabandhu. I didn’t find such a matter on YouTube and Google.” What can I say to this little friend? What evidence for this! You can write a letter to the Pakistan Home Ministry. You will get all the activities of politicians in the reports of IB and DIB. Sister Matia Chowdhury is 5-6 years older than me. She joined the Awami League in 1983. Our father (Bangabandhu) was assassinated in 1975. Digging of the Brahmaputra River in Shambhuganj of Mymensingh had been done voluntarily during 1976-‘78-‘79. Matia Chowdhury went there 10-12 times to inspire the volunteers.  

We were at the border at that time for counteraction to the Bangabandhu killing. Matia’s speech in Mymenshingh is still recorded in the archives. Bangladesh Agricultural University’s late student leader Badsha played an important role in Kaderia Bahini. If the war had lasted longer, he would have been famous. Current Agriculture Minister Dr. Abdur Razzaque was a student of Bangladesh Agricultural University at that time. He probably can say something about the matter if asked. Another student leader Pradip has been staying in America. He might be searched. I don’t want to discuss these. But today, I have written some words.   

After the Liberation War, Kaderia Bahini gave capital punishment to four rapists by the order of 2-2.5 lakh agitated people. The first arrest warrant was issued in the liberated Bangladesh against Kader Siddique. I won’t say whether that was my fortune or misfortune. The country was liberated on December 16. Our father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman went to Tangail on January 24, 1972, to take arms from Kaderia Bahini. The 23 days of 1972 and 16 days of 1971, a total of 39 days later we surrendered arms to our father. He said there, Kader gave punishment to four rapists in Paltan. If he punished such one thousand rapists and criminals, he would get my thanks.” Bangabandhu is no more today. Where will I get my shelter? Who will say Kader sacrificed his whole life and loved the country and people? He never showed his power. None is left to say these words.  

Not only Padma Bridge, the elevated expressway is another success of my sister Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Many people can’t take my discussion positively. But I never do late to acknowledge my mistakes. The protectors or guarders of the expressway are not equal. If this 11km long expressway is plastered costing an additional Tk 33 crore, it would look so beautiful. However, some spots of the expressway look very nice as an art by the artist. I went to Rajendrapur in one hour and 20 minutes. But I returned home in three hours. There was untold suffering after getting down from the elevated expressway. There is huge suffering from Tongi College to Gazipur Chowrasta. The government has constructed some flyovers unnecessarily. There is no stoppage in the middle of the highway in the world. But there are 10-12 stoppages from Tongi to Gazipur. These may occur in accidents. 

At present, foreign engineers draw the design of the roads and highways. In the Pakistan period, American designers drew the designs in Tangail. For this reason, all buildings in the district town are inundated due to heavy rain. We installed our doors in the south point due to the climate of the country. But American architects made this north point. I recall former communications secretary Rezaul Hayat. He was a gentleman. I met him in England in 1989. According to foreign design, there were 12-15 divider bypass designs including Kaliakair-Gurair-Dewhata-Mirzapur-Dholla-Shuvolla-Natiapara-Koratipara-Khudirampur-Bypass-Elenga on Dhaka-Tangail Highway. For this reason, accidents and deaths were common scenarios at the Dherua rail crossing and Dewhata, Khudirampur, Natiapara and Nagar Jolpai. I raised the issue in the House. Anwar Hossain Manju was the roads and highways minister then. Rezaul Hayat along with 20-25 engineers including the chief engineer of the roads and highways department went to Bangabandhu Bridge. Islands were withdrawn from the roads just two days later. Since then, around 25 years passed. There were not 25 big accidents and 25 deaths in those spots. If there is an original design till today, at least 25,000 innocent people would die. The same situation will happen on the Gazipur-Tongi road. I don't know if I will live that long. But if my experience is a lie, I don’t mind if people give me posthumous punishment. One kilometre of elevated poles have been installed costing thousands of crore taka. On September 9, I saw huge traffic gridlock at all spots from Gazipur Chowrasta to the elevated expressway. A flyover has been constructed over 70-80 feet high at Gazipur Chowrasta. This flyover will also be a cause of accidents because of its faulty design. It might be a danger during an earthquake of 6 magnitudes in future. Foreign designers should think about the matter. We went down at Mohakhali ramp of the expressway. We didn’t obey the speed limit. Maximum cars did the same. It takes five minutes to give Tk 80 as a toll. From the Mohakhali ramp, it takes 6 minutes to reach the Tangail bus stand. Mohakhali Road is barred by the divider. We had to take around 50 minutes to reach the entry point of the expressway after a U-turn on the north side. If engineers open just 20-25 feet of road at Mohakhali, this will take only one minute to pass the distance. It would also reduce the use of gas, octane and diesel by saving oil, and time and curbing environmental pollution. Such mistakes are happening lack of eyes and knowledge. This is not only the duty of my sister Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Everyone should look after this. Recently, the test run of the rail track on Padma Bridge was held. It takes only 8 minutes to cross the Padma Bridge. A total of 96 trains can move daily through this bridge. But, after 10 years, there will need to cross 400-500 trains daily through Padma Bridge. Because this bridge will be used as an international one. Many rails of the world will move here after 10-20 years. There was scope to install three rail tracks instead of one on the bridge. The bridge might be 63 feet wide. At least two tracks would have been installed. But they know much more. Who will understand them?  

Another rail bridge is being constructed beside the Bangabandhu Bridge on Jamuna. Double rail lines have been stalled there. I proposed to build another road over this rail bridge. It could be used during an emergency or war situation. It didn't cost much except concrete. The total cost would increase 25, 30 or 35 per cent. Some people think government fund is their ancestral property. But it is not. Common people are the source of funds for all development. At present, our per capita foreign debt is more than one lakh taka. 

I have a big problem. When I say something, some people misguide my dear sister. She didn’t hear all the words but couldn’t maintain our necessary status amid huge pressure. I understand it. After attending the G-20 summit honourable prime minister returned to the country a few days ago. She has increased the status of the country alongside her by joining this summit. But, it is the reality that if she can’t hold a participatory election, she will be harmed. It is not considerable in the election who has come to power and which country backed whom. America, China, Saudi Arabia and many other countries were against us during the Liberation War. The fact is we had got support of the global people for our political and diplomatic successes. Our present condition is the same. That’s why people and their opinions should be given importance. Another fact is that people with the spirit of the Liberation War can’t tolerate anti-liberation forces in the state power. I congratulate my sister Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her successful India visit. French President Emmanuel Macron visited Bangladesh which was the first state visit of a French President in Bangladesh after 33 years. This is another success of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. I congratulate French President Emmanuel Macron and greet the Honourable Prime Minister for this historic visit. 

Writer: Politician 


@ The article was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on September 12, 2023, and has been rewritten in English by Golam Rosul.

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