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2023-09-18 12:51:47

France makes Bangladesh stronger

Jayanta Ghosal

France makes Bangladesh stronger

In 1971, Bangladesh achieved its independence through the Liberation War and established itself as a sovereign nation. Six years later, on December 21, 1977, French President Emmanuel Macron was born. He is only 45 years old. After participating in the G20 Summit in New Delhi, he traveled to Bangladesh. There, he had an extraordinary hospitality from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Prepared with special care, the food menu featured hilsha fish served with mustard, showcasing the delectable flavors and aromas of Bangladesh's cuisine. Macron expressed his appreciation for the taste, color, and fragrance of Bangladeshi food.

A renowned figure in the Giga Institute for Asian Studies, Jasmine Large, remarked after French President Emmanuel Macron's trip that his visit to Bangladesh is not just historic but has also opened up a new dimension in global politics.

Let's explore the trip of the French President.

France is an attractive country for all of us. The ancient city of Paris, a city that existed 259 years before the birth of Christ, where the term "president" was not used to refer to the head of state, which was not a formal title, even though the city was the capital of the French Empire. But the man who led the French Empire was Napoleon Bonaparte. From 1848 to today, in 2023, a 45-year-old youth, Emmanuel, has traveled a long path.

Emmanuel Macron has stated that when Russia is busy with its aggression against Ukraine, and when China and the United States are engaged in global geopolitical tensions, France aims to strengthen its bonds of friendship with all these nations, with whom it has had ancient and cherished relationships. The unbroken relationship with undivided India, the relationship with New Delhi after the country's partition in 1947, and the establishment of relations with Bangladesh after its independence in 1971 with Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding leader of the sovereign nation, Emmanuel Macron seems to be seeking a place in that recent history.

There are agreements in the defense sector. There are agreements in the climate sector. There are discussions in the trade sector.

Amidst all these specific elements, the most significant thing that both Bangladesh and France desire is to thrive amid these mutual conflicts, and wars – all of this while upholding the dignity of an independent sovereign state. France also wants that. So, France and Bangladesh are coming closer. However, India is observing this proximity between France and Bangladesh with particular interest. The reason is that India has given considerable importance to France in the G20 summit this time. On one hand, the European Union, and on the other hand, the African Union - Prime Minister Narendra Modi has convened the G20 summit with both sides in focus. He has invited Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to his residence for a private dinner. Selfies have been taken at the meeting in India with U.S. President Biden alongside Sheikh Hasina.

France has made Bangladesh even stronger. On this trip, Prime Minister Hasina's daughter was her official advisor. So, her presence was significant in every bilateral meeting. Although Hasina's sister was also on the trip. Sheikh Hasina's daughter held the official position of Prime Minister's advisor. She was present at all meetings. Narendra Modi also emphasized that it is necessary for Biden to have a meeting with Bangladesh's Prime Minister. All in all, the tune that was struck at the G20 in Delhi has echoed in Emmanuel Macron's visit to Bangladesh.

On one hand, Biden has gone to Vietnam, a country known for its current opposition to China. However, France, on the other hand, aims to maintain good relations with both Ukraine, which is deeply involved with Russia, and India and Bangladesh. The visit to Bangladesh has been very fruitful as there have been extensive discussions and agreements. Let's shed some light on what discussions have taken place in this regard.

There's an ongoing geopolitical competition surrounding Bangladesh involving major global powers such as the United States, China, and Russia. The competition has reached a level where if one side strengthens its ties with Bangladesh, it risks angering the other side. In this context, France wants to be a safe alternative power for Bangladesh. French President Emmanuel Macron, during his two-day visit to Dhaka, has conveyed his keen interest in this regard.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's future plan is to build a Smart Bangladesh. French President Emmanuel Macron has assured Bangladesh of his support in achieving this goal.

After the meeting and signing of agreements at the Prime Minister's Office, both Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and French President Macron addressed a joint press conference. During his speech in French, President Macron highlighted the geopolitical tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, especially concerning the Indian Ocean. He expressed interest in enhancing defense cooperation with Bangladesh.

On that day, the leaders of both countries agreed to work towards the goal of "skillful" cooperation for peace, prosperity, and the welfare of their people. They condemned any unconstitutional change of government or illegal military takeovers in any country. Both countries emphasized the importance of humanitarian assistance for displaced people due to conflicts, violence, and heinous crimes.

In his speech, the President of France stated, "When Russia is conducting campaigns in Europe, it is essential for us to strengthen our partnerships with old friends, maintain our commitments, and explore robust alternatives. This is the path where we also want to include Bangladesh."

President Macron emphasized that both France and Bangladesh give the utmost importance to their respective sovereignties and do not support external pressures.

During the official statement on that day, President Macron highlighted the values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law that both countries are committed to. He mentioned that without these values, sustainable development cannot be achieved.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stated in her speech, “For over one and half decades, constitutional and democratic practices, development, and good governance have been the foundation of our new relationship with France." She expressed satisfaction with the commitment of the French government to safeguard the fundamental rights and human rights of the people of Bangladesh and to uphold a responsible and promise-based approach in governance.

French President Macron emphasizes the importance of France's presence in the Indo-Pacific region and their commitment to a comprehensive and skillful approach. He praises Bangladesh's peacekeepers' work in various regions, including Africa, under the United Nations missions. Additionally, he expresses gratitude to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for providing shelter to over a million Rohingya refugees, contributing to regional stability.

President Macron also assures cooperation in climate change mitigation and mangrove conservation. In their joint statement, Bangladesh and France believe that global efforts to make climate financing more accessible for developing countries should be expedited to facilitate climate-resilient development for both nations.

Next month, there will be a conference in Paris regarding the assistance of midday meals to students in over 80 countries around the world. France's President has invited Bangladesh to this conference.

Both Bangladesh and France emphasize their commitment to international law and the United Nations certificates, particularly in terms of peaceful conflict resolution and multilateralism. Given the current state of the world, these principles are more crucial than ever.

My college professor used to say that after globalization, the chessboard upon which the world's power dynamics played out has changed. Now, no state can live independently, and everyone depends on each other. China had thought it could dominate a significant portion of the world with its expansionist policies, controlling and governing it all. However, that has not proven to be possible.

The visa policy of the United States, which has been unfavorable towards Bangladesh, has changed today as the United States has come away from that stance. The entire scenario of the meeting between Biden and Hasina has transformed. India has also voiced considerable criticism on this matter to the United States. When all of this is combined, France has further strengthened Bangladesh in a third-party position. The way the United States is focused on human rights and its visa policy, France, on the other hand, did not say much on this matter. Instead, France stood by Bangladesh. As a result, today, Bangladesh's position in the world is not just about its relationship with India but also about its independent standing in Bangladesh's role, which is of utmost importance.

In the upcoming days, elections are approaching in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina's success in G20 and the establishment of this new agreement with France will become the foundation for her to embark on a new path in the coming days—a hope like that.

Writer: Special Correspondent of Kaler Kantho in New Delhi.

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