E-Paper বাংলা
2023-09-19 14:25:20

World's eyes now on Bangladesh

Major General Mohammad Ali Sikder (Rtd.)

World's eyes now on Bangladesh

There’s a say, “the most fruit bearing tree are always in the eyes of greedy people.” Many people, especially the inhabitants live nearby throw stones whenever they get the chance and try to reap the undue fruits. On the other hand, none looks at the fruitless tree or broken house. These things are equally applicable to person, society or even to state and politics.

Bangladesh, as a state, is not a broken house now. The country, blossomed with 'beautiful ‘fruits, flowers,’ is rooted on the promise of biggest prospects. The credit behind these achievements goes to the people of the country, which has been led for last 15 years by Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. These extraordinary characteristics, in English language, are defined as ‘Leadership Traits.’

We’ve achieved the independence of Bangladesh because of the presence of leader like Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. And because of the presence of her daughter we’ve been freed from the hands of the dictators. Bangladesh has been freed from the political evil forces originated from military dictator and anti-liberation force of 71. As a result, Bangladesh has caught the attention of the world. Hence, I say, Bangabandhu gave us Bangladesh and Sheikh Hasina is protecting it and making it a developed one. The people of the world want to know the success story of Bangladesh. They also want Bangladesh by their side. The demand of the friend-state creates discomfort sometimes, but I see it positively.  We’ve to very tactical regarding the fulfillment of the demand of our friends. Now a day, in the regional and global geopolitical perspective, there’s no chance that anyone can force other to do anything.

Bangladesh can no longer be called a country of militant terror, as it was said in the period of 2001-2006 that Bangladesh will be the next Afghanistan. In my view now everyone is looking at Bangladesh. We are being invited to the world arena and friends are coming to Bangladesh along the line. I will not go too far back. In the last five-six months, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's foreign visits and the arrival of high-level delegations of friendly countries to Bangladesh and the messages we have received through them, will be summarized and highlighted little by little in my writing, what you can see as a ‘Review.’

When the world situation is unstable in the heat of military tension and war, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's four-day visit to Japan from April 25 with the message of peace and not war was truly an incredible surprise. Since the beginning of independence, Japan has been a continuous development partner of Bangladesh. However, this time the relationship between the two countries was officially raised to a strategic level through the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Bangladesh's strategic relationship with Japan will not only be bilateral, but also regional. It will give Bangladesh many benefits in world arena. Although being the most eastern country in the world geographically, Japan is one of the most influential policymakers in the Western sphere in terms of geopolitical polarization. Therefore, due to the positive influence of the strategic relationship with Japan, Bangladesh's relationship with the western world will be smoother. Evidence of that has already been found.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina went to Washington directly from Japan on the special invitation of the World Bank. The Prime Minister spoke as a special guest in the board meeting of the World Bank, which once canceled the Padma bridge loan due to corruption allegations. Newly elected World Bank President Ajay Banga and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva met the Prime Minister separately. Kristalina said leadrship like Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is needed to take the country forward on the path of prosperity by facing all obstacles. Before Sheikh Hasina arrived in Washington, the World Bank announced an eight billion dollar assistance package for Bangladesh. Through these, a major shift or change in the perspective of World Bank and IMF can be observed in the case of Bangladesh.

The evidence that Japan, World Bank and IMF are not outside the Western circle can be found when the Undersecretary for Human Rights, Democracy and Civilian People's Security of the United States Department of State, Uzra Zeya came to Bangladesh for a four-day visit from July 11. Another important representative was Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary of the South and Central Asia wing of the US State Department, who also visited Bangladesh once last January. A section of people in Bangladesh felt that the US administration did not want to see Sheikh Hasina in power again due to one or two actions and talks by the US State Department before Uzra Zeya’s visit. But after Uzra Zeya's visit, they have gone silent. They may now understand that a few drops of rain do not make an ocean.

Those who have closely monitored the recent incidents must have understood that the US policy over this region has an overall and greater implication. India and the US want to work jointly so that the inter-border terrorist activities don’t take place in South Asia. In 2004, there was a supply of 10 trucks of weapons through Bangladesh, which was aimed to reach the rebellions of Asam. To prevent such situation, the US and India are committed to work together. The same thing has been raised loudly while the US visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Bangladesh is now an important factor in preserving peace and stability in Asia-Pacific region amid unstable global perspective due to their overall strong position in last 14 years.

A delegation of the European Union visited Bangladesh at the beginning of July a few days before Uzra Zeya’s visit. They talk to all stakeholders about sending observers to the upcoming national elections in Bangladesh. Two to three days before the arrival of the European delegation, the Secretary in charge of South and Southeast Asia of the Ministry of External Affairs of India visited Bangladesh for a day.

The importance of Bangladesh to the international community has been realized recently during the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa and the G20 summit in Delhi. Although being not a member of the two organizations, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has attended there on special invitations and held formal and informal meetings with world leaders. Among the 193 countries of the United Nations, only a handful of countries have received this honor and status and Bangladesh is one of them. It is an acknowledgment of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's acceptance and leadership in the global arena, and an indication of Bangladesh's capabilities. The Prime Minister held a formal meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the BRICS summit and held informal exchanges with other BRICS leaders. The G20 summit was held in Delhi on September 9-10 immediately after the BRICS summit.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Bangladesh for a day on the way to the G20 summit. Lavrov's visit was very important and indicative in the context of the global tensions surrounding the Ukraine war and the interest and extreme interest of some of our friendly countries in the upcoming national elections in Bangladesh. The role of the then Soviet Union in the victory of the Liberation War in 1971 was very decisive and bold. With the help of Russia, Bangladesh is entering the era of nuclear technology soon.  Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said the first shipment of nuclear fuel will arrive in Bangladesh in October. Although Russia was a friend of ours during the victory of 1971, this is the first time that such a high-level official of that country visited Bangladesh after independence. It gives a glimpse of the importance of Bangladesh to Russia right now. After the 2018 national elections, the Russian ambassador in Dhaka told the media, "Few drops of water do not make a sea", i.e. a few drops of rain do not make an ocean.

Just after the visit of Lavrov to Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina attended the G20 Summit in New delhi as a special invited guest. One of the senior journalists of India wrote in his column, “Shiekh Hasina came, saw and won.” Though Bangladesh isn’t a member of G20, due to the special attention of media on Bangladesh, it seemed like Bangladesh’s Premiere was one of the attractions of this summit.

The smiling selfie of US President Joe Biden with Sheikh Hasina and Saima Wazed Hossain has been spread in the media worldwide. Many things are expressed beyond the scope of diplomatic talks. In such a high profile event, nothing happens by chance and everything occurs according to plans. The way Prime Minister of UK Rishi Sunak knelt next to Sheikh Hasina and spoke with motherly respect are truly unprecedented. This shows how the world leaders see Sheikh Hasina and Bangladesh.

Amid the busy schedules of G20, there was formal and very friendly meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Sheikh Hasina in his official residence. In the talks, they’ve put emphasis on regional security; especially they don’t want to see the inter-border conflict anymore. In the meeting, Narendra Modi said Bangladesh is a faithful friend and a trusted neighbor. France President Emanuel Macron visited Bangladesh for two days just after completing his presence in G20 Summit. It was the first visit by a French President in last 33 years. By providing assistance in making Bangabandhu Satellite, France has now became Bangladesh’s main partner in space technology.

If you look at the things I’ve highlighted in today’s writing, you will realize the eyes of the world are now on Bangladesh. When a developing country becomes important to the global community, it produces many positive things. However, it can’t be said there’s no negative aspect. Hence, the policy makers need to be alert and tactical in this regard.

(The writer is a political and security analyst. He can be reached: [email protected])


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