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2024-06-02 21:53:38

Crowley became powerless in USA as Aziz and Benazir in Bangladesh

Naem Nizam

Crowley became powerless in USA as Aziz and Benazir in Bangladesh

Joseph Crowley was a powerful member of American congress, who used to win in elections over and over and again. He has a special identity as the chairman of Bangladesh and India caucus there. In the last election he competed, he lost to a young lady Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. At the time of winning, Alexandria was just 28. She worked in a restaurant after completing her studies and Crowley lost to this young lady. After the election, a deep shocking environment was prevailing in Crowley’s office as everyone working there got very disheartened. The people working there understood the mental condition of Crowley. To cheer him up, they took a guitar and played songs. Then the heavy environment became little bit warmer.

Joseph Crowley, the famous congressman of USA now teaches in a university there and retired from politics. His powerful past he spent in political arena is just staying as remnant in his memory. May be he will go for writing a book covering his political life.

I visited Joseph Crowley's office a long time ago. He was a very powerful congressman then. Even, there was no end to the powers of his secretary. Crowley's secretary had an idea about the politics of Bangladesh and India. While talking to the lady in the first meeting, she talked about the inner circle of Bangladeshi politics. A few days ago I went to a cafe in New York to have coffee. The advantage of this cafe was that after taking a cup of coffee, they will refill it if you want. Suddenly, it was seemed to me that I know the cafe manager. However, I couldn't ask the question out of politeness. The manager herself brought me the cup of coffee. In this country, managers and employees all work equally. They don't have a headache over trivial things. Then, everyone finished their work and returned home. The cheerful and lively lady manager came to us and talked frankly. Lablu Ansar, the journalist who was next to him, said, “Does she look familiar to you?” I replied, yes, and he said that he had seen her before. She was once secretary to Joseph Crowley. We went together to Crowley's office, which was very gorgeous. Maybe it was dimmed now because its owner is out of power now.

The world of power is the same in all countries of the world, which turns into another world after losing power. There is now a storm of discussion and criticism about the two former ‘chiefs’ of Bangladesh who lost power. The use and abuse of their power did not happen suddenly. Both were the heads of two forces, possessed the highest power. At one time there was a crowd of people who wanted their company and time. No one is saying anything now. There are many ‘Benazirs’ in the police department and administration. They do business at the highest level of government. It's not just one person's fault. It will become very troublesome if all those doing the same business are truly identified. My grandmother used to say, good times are good, bad times are bad. There is no shortage of friends in good time. However, no one will stand by them now. No one will take selfies with them and post it on social media. Now everyone will criticize them. Those who would have scrounged for favors two days ago while in they were in power will now go away.

The world is very strange. In the world of short time of being in power, bad company destroys people in the long run. Once in an African country a flight attendant of the state airline was caught with illegally kept 2 kg of gold in the airport. After the arrest, the remand police officer asked her how long you have been doing this work. In response, the girl said, “I’m in this trade since I have been working in this job. All our colleagues carry diamonds and gold whenever they go abroad. You caught only me with the source of secret news. Two fellow girls knew about carrying the gold. What news did they give you?” In response, the police officer said, “The customs detectives know who gave the report. Why do you want to know about them?” The girl replied, "Sir, my other female friends brought the diamond. I brought gold. Before they could cross the road safely, they were the source of the customs. He made me the scape goat. All the airport agencies had been busy with me. The media came running. You all are cheering them, taking a selfies. On that occasion, all the diamond carriers crossed the Green Channel safely.”

 The police officer asked for whom did you bring this gold. In response the airhostess said I brought it for the wife of your police chief. The police investigation officer was curious. Wanted to know, for whom did your female friends bring diamonds? The airhostess replied, maybe for someone else higher up. The police officer saw that there was no use in dragging snakes to find earthworms. Not everyone gets caught, only some get caught as destiny pulls them.

Police DIG Mizan is now in jail. There are many other levels. Their news does not come into the light all the time. Many are doing business directly by working in government positions. Many big shots forget about professionalism. Questions arise when the arrogance of someone who is in charge of state power suddenly increases. A businessman said excess power and money make government officials arrogant. They became arrogant and involved in various wicked activities. They built a mountain of wealth. In the developed world many bureaucrats amass wealth. I heard that many people take bribes in dollars and euros in those countries. A search of their houses will reveal the secrets. Politicians have to be accountable and face people. Bureaucrats are not accountable, because they don't want to obey politicians. They pretend and show that politicians survive because of them.

Complications and questions arise everywhere. Even then, when politicians come to power and do business, the workers get a share. Every day a politician has to take care of party leaders and workers and give them many business deals. If you go to the hospital, you have to pay the expenses. In the time of vote, you have to spend with both hands. Participatory voting is the most complicated one. Not only the workers but also the people have to be held accountable if we want to make it successful. If the complex calculation is not successful, the power is over.

The power of bureaucrats is immense. In the 2018 election, the country and the ruling Awami League suffered some losses through bureaucrats. Then there was arrogance among the administrative officers. However, after the election, this reality was nowhere. The hard truth is that over-enthusiastic officials left a scar on the history of Awami League, which was not necessary. The organizational structure of Awami League at the village level is very strong.

Awami League was a vibrant political party in 2018. Sheikh Hasina is a strong Prime Minister. On the contrary BNP had no organizational position from center to field level. They had to pay a heavy price for not going to the polls in 2014. BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia was in jail, Tariq Rahman in London. Leaders at all levels of the party were overburdened with the arson case. Most of the leaders were in jail. There were 10 to 12 cases against those who were outside. Everyone was busy spending time in court. Many had their nominations canceled due to lawsuits and convictions. They couldn't get into the campaign properly. At that time it was unfortunate that the rulling party was intimidated by things like ‘bogus-boo’. Many DCs and SPs then openly took poll expenses from the politicians. The influence in the field level also affected the officers of the Centers. Government officials arrogantly belittled field leaders, which was unfortunate. How many seats would BNP get if there were 100% neutral votes? Were they in power? Again, BNP was not in a position to get more than 50 seats in 2018 elections with 100% unbiased votes.

Government officials know, despite that, Awami League is a political party of the people. This party was led by Mawlana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani, Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardy and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The party led the liberation war of 1971. Now this party is led by Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Bangabandhu. She grew up watching politics since birth. Now she is the longest serving politician in the world. Since 1981, she has been leading a party with success and repeatedly giving the evidence of foresight, success and discretion to the people of the world. Sheikh Hasina's current challenge is different from the past as she’s the last resort of liberation war spirit. The normality of the state goes forward positively if the government officials perform the duties assigned to them properly. No trouble is created. History will remember the names of Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan and Noor Mohammad. They too handled the harsh realities of their duties without controversy and with professionalism.

A former official said to me, "Has Benazir Ahmed not done anything for the government party?" I said in reply, “Of course he did. He had a major contribution during the Shapla Chattar incident of Hefazat-e-Islam. He also played a role in eliminating that crisis. RAB’s Zia also had a role during the incident of Hefazat-e-Islam. I saw their brave role in securing safety of people's life and property. The current DB chief Harun was the DC of Lalbagh, who captured Mowlana Babunagari. He was sent to Chittagong by plane. At that time a politician also came forward with strong presence. He is Awami League General Secretary Syed Ashraf. He warned the extremists in stern language. He said no one will be allowed to create chaos in the state and Sheikh Hasina's government will deal strictly with everything.” Syed Ashraf's speech inspired the leaders and activists of Awami League. The next day they took out processions across the country. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for maintaining order in the state. Action must be taken against anyone who commits illegal acts. Those arrangements should be done by the one who occupies the most important positions.

Government officials can only fulfill the duties assigned by the state while they’re in power. It benefits the country and the government in the long run. Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan was the Army Chief in 2014. He is one of the most popular officers in Bangladesh Army. I have never heard Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan speaking on behalf of Awami League. He was a professional officer. At that time, he performed the duties assigned by the constitution impartially. Many thought he would go wrong, but that didn't happen. In respect of the national flag, he has worked with absolute transparency and impartiality. Iqbal Karim was in the seat of acclaimed status and will remain so. Similarly, Noor Mohammad, an efficient police officer, is praised everywhere. I am not speaking against anyone. In 2018, a major general lamented that it is our duty to be on the side of the government. Mr. Aziz is harming us, whose compensation must be paid. That visionary officer is now retired. Benazir Ahmed and Aziz Ahmed are now in a controversy due to various adversities. This debate was made of their own. No one will take responsibility for it. History is always so cruel. The state moves forward at its own pace and this speed cannot be stopped. No one can stop it. Trying to stop it by force is also not beneficial to anyone.

(The writer is the Editor of The Bangladesh Pratidin) 

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