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2022-12-26 13:18:11

Seven challenges ahead of new committee of AL

Online Desk

Seven challenges ahead of new committee of AL

The new committee of Bangladesh Awami League has been announced from its 22nd national council held on December 23. There’re seven challenges ahead of this committee to take the party in stronger position and make its mission fulfill.

AL announced 48 names among 81 members of its working council, but there’s no new name here. Prime Minister and party Chief Sheikh Hasina kept her trust on the veteran and experienced politicians of the party.

Sheikh Hasina on Saturday in 22nd national council of the party reelected as the party president for the 10th successive term. While announcing the names of the presidium and secretary members, she said, “We don’t want to make big change in the party as the national poll is ahead. AL has popularity, however we have to convert the voters and that won’t be possible if the party is not organized. We’ve to increase the campaign for collecting members.”

According to the political analysts, the ‘experienced’ committee has to face seven challenges ahead of 12th national election. These challenges include tackling the anti-government movement, handling the diplomatic pressure, solving the internal conflict of the party, creating mass support against militancy and communalism, selecting popular candidate for the parliamentary election, giving befitting reply to the anti-government propaganda on social platforms and bringing all the registered parties including BNP in the national election. If AL can face these seven challenges successfully, then they’ll have the bright possibility to come into power for fourth consecutive term.

The newly elected working committee on Sunday paid tribute to the Father of the Nation at Dhanmondi-32 in the capital. After paying tribute to Bangabandhu led by the party chief Sheikh Hasina, party’s general secretary Obaidul Quader said, “AL has many challenges including militancy, communalism, BNP-led anti-government movement, along with the ongoing global crisis. To tackle the situation, the party president decided to keep the veterans in the leadership of the party.”

According to the political analysts, the development activities of AL are visible in their 14 years tenure in power; however, they’ve some barrier on the way to reach the power for consecutive fourth time. One of such serious problems are party’s internal conflict. The root-level politics is almost occupied by hybrid politicians and the ‘unhealthy’ competitions have turned into vengeance. As a result, the party men are becoming victim of internal killings. In maximum constituencies, the conflicts between ‘Awami League vs MP League’ are evident. The leaders expecting nominations will be more active ahead of election. So, there’s chance of escalation of this crisis. The new leadership of AL has to play a vital role to mitigate the internal conflict.

In the national council, many grass root leaders raised complaints to the party chief about the internal conflict and discrimination. They said many dedicated and old leaders and activists expect to get proper value from the party. Party president Sheikh Hasina also took note of their complaints.

The AL think thank said they have expressed the promise of building ‘Smart Bangladesh’ in the council and have to ascend on the power again to fulfill it. For this, the party leaders have to play a very vital role here.

With a view to outcast the government, BNP has become active in political field as they had arranged divisional rallies, mass processions etc. Some other parties from left and right wing also joined the anti-government movement along with BNP. They might go for stricter movement and mitigating it strongly is also a great challenge for AL leadership.

The development partner countries want all parties’ participation in 12th parliamentary election. The European Union countries have been giving statements every now and then demanding a free, fair and non-biased election. The diplomats of a powerful country are very active in this regard. They’re trying to keep the government under pressure on issues like vote and democracy. To overcome this situation is another big challenge for the new leadership of AL.

In this regard, AL presidium member, Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Muhammad Faruq Khan said, “Parties like BNP and Jamat are engaged in various anti-government propaganda and are misguiding people of the country by preaching fake news and information. Besides, they’re trying to make the foreign powers go against the government.”

After coming into power in 2009, Sheikh Hasina government took strong stance against militancy and it has become mostly inactive. However, the militants are trying to show their presence as they snatched two death-row militants from the court yard. So, AL wants to create strong mass opinion against militancy across the country.

AL presidium member and Rajshahi City corporation mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton told The Bangladesh Pratidin, “There’re several challenges ahead of new committee which include tackle the terrorism and anarchy created by BNP and Jamat and give befitting reply to anti-state propaganda.”

Some vested groups are opening fake IDs on social media and making propaganda against government from home and abroad. The AL leaders and activists haven’t been able to give its befitting reply. To overcome this challenge is another mission of new AL committee.

Only one year left for 12th national election. AL president Sheikh Hasina made the leaders and activists aware several times that the election this time won’t be like the previous ones. Hence, to select candidates having highly acceptability and clean image is another challenge of AL.  

Last but not the least, bringing all the registered political parties into the upcoming election and go to power for fourth consecutive term through an acceptable and fair election is a great challenge for the leadership of AL.

In this regard, AL presidium member Dr Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin told The Bangladesh Pratidin, “Lots of challenges ahead of AL. But, we’re hopeful of overcoming all the challenges under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Bangabandhu. As Sheikh Hssina is taking the country ahead with her honesty, talent and visionary leadership, the people of the country will stay beside AL.”

@The report was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on December 26 and rewritten in English by lutful Hoque

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