E-Paper বাংলা
2023-02-05 16:00:03

Those who’re intelligent according to Holy Quran

Md. Abdul Mazid Mollah

Those who’re intelligent according to Holy Quran

In the Holy Quran, the almighty Allah addressed several times about ‘Ulul Albab’ or intelligent and prudent people. This addressing in the Quran is a proof that ‘Ulul Albab’ is much nearer to heavenly guidance and blessings. As Allah stated, “Men of understanding, beware of disobeying Allah; then maybe you will attain true success.” (Surah Maidah: Ayat100)

The sign of intelligent and prudent people

Those who possess decent knowledge and intelligence are Ulul Albab. With this, they follow the path of wellness and distinguish the bad things as they refrain from it. In the Quran, the phrase “Ulul Albab’ has been used 16 times. They’re the people who follow the rules of Shariah for the home of heavenly reward and fear of getting punished. In Quran Allah said, “Those who avoid At-Taghut by not worshipping them and turn to Allah, for them are glad tidings; so announce the good news to My servants. Those who listen to the Word and follow the best thereof, those are (the ones) whom Allah has guided and those are men of understanding.” (Surah Zumar: 17-18)

Some characteristics of intelligent, prudent people

 The characteristics of the intelligent people mentioned in Al Quran are stated below:

1. Fear of God: Intelligent people always fear the creator. Allah said, “Allah has laid in store for them a grievous chastisement. So fear Allah, O people of understanding who have attained to faith.” (Surah Talak: Ayat 10)

2. Reciever of right direction: Ulul albab or intelligent people gets priority in having heavenly direction. Allah said, “Surely, I gave Musa the direction of right path and gifted Bony Israil with the book that provide right direction.” (Surah Muminun: Ayat 54).

3. Reciever of advice: The people having understanding listen to other people and take advices. Allah said, “Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding. Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best (meaning) in it: those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding. to those who pay heed to what is said and follow the best of it.” (Surah Zumar:Ayat 18)

4. Quran researcher: The intelligent people always thinks and study about the signs of Allah including Al Quran. Allah said, “(This is) a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may reflect. A Book We have sent down to you, Blessed, that they may ponder over its ayat (Verses, signs) and that men endowed with intellects would remind themselves.” (Surah Saad: Ayat 29)

5. The people who search for Allah’s identity: The wise and prudent people study about the creation of Allah and thus they want to know Allah. Hence, they’re always aware of Allah’s greatness and pride. Allah said, “Do you not see that Allah sent down water from the sky, then made it flow on earth as springs and streams and rivers38 and then with it He brings forth vegetation of various hues; then this vegetation ripens and dries up, turning yellow, whereafter He reduces it to broken straw?” (Surah Zumar: Ayat 21)

6. Wise: The people having understanding are wise usually. In the Qura, Allah said, “There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a confirmation of what went before it,- a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to any such as believe.” (Surah Yousuf: Ayat:111)

7. The people who can distinguish between good and evil: The intelligent people can distinguish between good and evil as well as they follow the path of good and refrain themselves from evil. Allah said, “He who knows that the Book which has been sent to you from your Lord is the Truth, is he like him who is blind to that truth? It is only people of understanding who take heed” (Surah Raad: Ayat 19)


The to-do for intelligent people

From the Ayat mentioned above, it’s seen that the Ulul Albab should do the following things:

1. Learn from the past

2. Search for heavenly guidance.

3. Think and study about the creation and signs of Allah

4. Obey the order of Allah

5. Staying away from things forbidden by Allah

6. Pursue knowledge

7. Identify the right and true things

8. Live a life dedicated to Allah

9. Getting preparation for life hereafter

10. Keep hope of Allah’s blessings and fear of his punishment

May Allah make everyone the follower of righteous path! Amin!




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