E-Paper বাংলা
2023-02-08 12:53:50

DNCC, DSCC spend TK 700cr for mosquito repellent, but no remedy

Hasan Emon

DNCC, DSCC spend TK 700cr for mosquito repellent, but no remedy

From the elite of the capital to the slums, there is no getting rid of mosquitoes anywhere in the house or outside, even by burning medicine-coils, millions of people in megacity Dhaka are not getting rid of it.

In the last 22 years, the two city corporations of Dhaka have spent Tk 700 crore on reducing mosquitoes but have not seen any success. On the contrary, the mosquito infestation has increased.

Entomologists said studies have shown that the Culex mosquito infestation will increase until March 25. In this case, it will be possible to control mosquitoes if the corporations work through integrated mosquito management.

At the same time, chemists think that control will be possible if the amount of medicine is sprayed according to the mosquito infestation.

According to experts, Dhaka has been plagued by mosquitoes since the city's inception due to weather and climate. At that time, governments worked to control mosquitoes. That program has now been intensified. Mosquito infestation is now greater than at any time in the past. A lot of money is being spent in this sector. But there is no benefit.

Professor Dr. Kabirul Bashar, Zoology Department of Jahangirnagar University told Bangladesh Pratidin, “This is the time of breeding season of Culex mosquitoes. And this Culex mosquito grows in ponds, sinks, drains. There are many sinkholes and drains in the two city corporation areas. That's why the presence of mosquitoes is more.”

Professor Md Ahsan Habib, Department of Chemistry of University of Dhaka told Bangladesh Pratidin, “The mosquito control staff of the city corporation may not spray the right amount of medicine. Either they knowingly give less, or they don't know how much medicine to give at which place. Area wise survey of mosquitoes and application of quantity of medicine will be effective.”

From 2000 to 2022, about Tk 700 crore has been spent on the smog control sector of Dhaka city. The city dwellers did not get any benefit from it. A huge amount of this money has been wasted. The corrupt gangs of the two cities have also looted these funds in the name of extermination.

Dhaka North City Corporation (DSCC) Mayor Md. Atiqul Islam recently admitted wrongdoing in mosquito control. On the other hand, Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) has claimed that their mosquito control program is going on properly. That is why DSCC is controlling mosquitoes in the area.

Dr.Fazle Shamsul Kabir, Chief Health Officer of DSCC told Bangladesh pratidin, “110 mosquito killers are working in DSCC to control mosquitoes, who are regularly spraying in the morning and afternoon. For this DSCC is controlling mosquitoes in the area.”

He disagreed that mosquito infestation will increase till March and said, “I cannot agree with this opinion. DSCC is under mosquito control in the area. Cleaning activities of canals, drains and Adi Buriganga are ongoing to reduce mosquito breeding. I hope that DSCC will be able to control mosquitoes in its area.”

There are about 750 km of box culverts and covered drains in the two cities of Dhaka, which cannot be sprayed with mosquito repellent. Besides, those drains are filled with various garbage including plastic goods, polythene, can shells.

The space between the two buildings has become a garbage dump, due to which the water does not drain through the drains. Culex is breeding horribly in these frozen waters. Authorities are not taking any steps to destroy mosquito breeding in these places. And plastic goods and can shells scattered everywhere in reservoirs, canals, drains and everywhere are causing mosquitoes to breed in the water. Due to these reasons, two cities spend enough money to kill mosquitoes, but the city dwellers have to bear the pestilence of mosquitoes.

@The report was published in Bengali on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on February 8 and rewritten in English by Tanvir Raihan

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