E-Paper বাংলা
2023-09-11 19:20:49

Rail to go to Mongla Port in October

Shamsuzzaman Shahin, Khulna

Rail to go to Mongla Port in October

The long-awaited Khulna-Mongla rail line is likely to open by October this year after completing around 64.75 kilometres of rail-track placement work, construction of major rail bridges and finishing works of the stations.

This rail line will be the second project after the Padma Bridge to utilize the possibility of trade and commerce based on Mongla Port. Currently, goods transportation from Khulna-Mongla takes additional money and time. Khulna-Mongla rail track will reduce these sufferings. 

Mongla Port is the second largest and second busiest seaport in Bangladesh. It is situated in the south-east of Khulna. 

Works are underway to install a rail track of around 4.5 kilometres in the last phase in the Khulna part of the rail line alongside finishing tasks of rail bridges and station buildings in various spots.   

According to the project concerned, 98 per cent works of the Khulna-Mongla rail line have already been completed. The project was scheduled to be completed in 2022. However, the time has been extended till July of 2023 due to various reasons including the Covid-19 pandemic.    

Khulna-Mongla rail line Project Director Mohammad Arifuzzaman said the rail line takes additional time for construction of some small bridges as the authority changed its design after testing soil tests in the project area. Efforts were made to complete the full work of the rail line. But it takes more time to complete finishing tasks due to excessive rain.

He also hoped for the test run of the rail track in late October.

As per project details, the rail line will connect the whole country with Mongla at Phultola Point of Khulna. Trade could be expanded with neighbouring countries -- India, Nepal and Bhutan by utilizing this rail line.

Importers said readymade garment products are being exported through Mongla Port after the opening of the Padma Bridge. However, goods-laden mother vessels were not showing interest in unloading products at Mongla Port lack of trail track with the port. In this situation, the authority has brought the port under rail connectivity with India, Nepal and Bhutan alongside all over Bangladesh.    

The project includes the construction of a rail bridge over the Rupsha River, setting up the main rail track, and installing a telecommunication and signalling system. 

The final cost of the project reached Tk 4,260 crore from 1,721 crore due to delay for various reasons.  

Khulna Unnayan Sangram Shamannay Committee President Sheikh Ashrafuzzaman said once opening of the rail route, will open a new horizon in regional development and will keep an important role in the Delta economy.

@ The article was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on September 11, 2023 and has been rewritten in English by Golam Rosul.

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