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2023-09-12 19:16:17

Two city corporations fail in controlling mosquito menace

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Two city corporations fail in controlling mosquito menace

The two city corporations in the capital tried to apply Guppy Fishes, ducks, frogs, even drones to control the breed and growth of the mosquitoes. However, they didn’t become successful in it. The government brought BTI pesticide to prevent mosquitoes, but that also lead to scam incidents. Due to the mosquito menace, 741 people were died this year. Making all the mosquito prevention measures of Dhaka North (DNSC) and Dhaka South City Corporations (DNCC) futile, the Aedes mosquitoes affected around one and half lakhs of people.   

Mosquitos’ expert and chairman of Bangladesh River Commission, Manjur Ahmed Chowdhury told The Bangladesh Pratidin, "The two city corporations of Dhaka do not understand any of the methods needed to be applied to control the Aedes mosquito. They are only interested in applying fogging machines, as here they have to buy a lot of medicine. They don't pay heed even if we tell them again and again. Dengue will not be controlled if mosquitoes cannot be controlled. Death of people of different ages including children due to dengue fever cannot be accepted. The mayors of the city corporations cannot avoid the responsibility of this death.”

 He further said, "What has been done with BTI is not a mistake, it is a crime. If imported through a registered company, they would know what is in that packet. But the city corporation invites tenders in such a way that their preferred company gets the job of supplying BTI.”

He said, "Some other companies import BTI from China. However, to prevent them from participating from the tender process, the tender stipulated import from Singapore, Malaysia, the United States and Europe. A contractor cannot commit such fraud unless people from City Corporation are involved. He also thinks that the whole incident should be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Commission.

Turning all the efforts of two city corporations futile, around one and half lakhs of people affected with dengue fever this year. Among the 68,026 people admitted into different hospitals of Dhaka, 528 people died. Last year saw the maximum number of death which was 281. However, the number of death this year is more than double of that of previous year.

To locate the breeding place of mosquitoes, DNCC began to use drone in 2021. DSCC introduced ‘Frog Therapy’ to kill the mosquitoes and larvae. In addition, people also saw applying Novalrun tablets, Guppy fishes and ducks in this regard. However, there were complaints of applying Sucker fishes instead of Guppies, which were latterly got mixed with the water of Buriganga.

Last January, a delegation led by DNCC Mayor Atiqul Islam visited to the United States. They went to Miami, Florida at the invitation of the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) of the Department of Commerce. On January 20, Mayor Atiqul Islam from Miami shared the experiences he got there. He said, "There has been an attempt to control mosquitoes in the wrong way so far. Because of that mosquito larvae were not destroyed but huge money was wasted. Mosquitoes are controlled with Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis (BTI), strained in a laboratory in Miami. Bangladesh has a similar climate to Miami. So, mosquitoes were to be killed in Dhaka with BTI and the BTI import program started.

DNCC announced the import of BTI from Singapore last July. Soon 5 tons of BTI arrived at Chittagong port thorough import and supply company 'Marshall Agrovet Limited'. However, the company was once blacklisted by the DNCC for supplying adulterated drugs. On the first day of BTI use, a man named Li Xiang was introduced as a representative of BTI manufacturer organization 'Best Chemicals'. He came to teach the use of the medicine. Just when the field level implementation was about to start, it was found that the BTI came from China and not from Singapore.

Marshal Agro sold the product to DNCC by means of doing forgery. And Li Xiang is none from the Singapore-based company. His original name is Jony Lee. Best Chemicals on their websites, said they didn’t supply BTI to Marshal Agrovet or DNCC. Besides, to supply BTI, it’s necessary to have 3-years’ experience, registration and submitting chemical examionation report from plant-preservation wing, bio-efficiency report of IEDCR. But, Marshal Agrovet hadn’t any of these either. Then DNCC said, “We don’t pay the supplier if the pesticides are counterfeit.” A five-member probe committee was also formed to investigate over the matter. However, thwe report of the committee hasn’t been submitted yet. Case against four including the Chinese citizen was also filed in the incident. According to DNCC, now, there’ll be no problem in importing BTI from China and if these are good quality, only then it will be used.

The mayor of DNCC, Atiqul Islam has said the people will evaluate the success or failure of the mosquito-killing and dengue prevention activities of city corporaqtion. In a discussion meeting held at Milestone College in Uttara of the capital, he said to the reporters, “The people should judge whether the DNCC is successful or failed. They are seeing that the city corporation is active. We’re also not staying idle and going to different areas to mitigate the mosquitoes. Moreover, we’re also making the people aware and ensuring their involvement in mosquitos’ prevention.  In Dhaka app in DNCC website and on its facebook page, the list of mosquito-prevention workers is also given. Anyone can contact with them if necessary.”   

Bd-pratidin English/Lutful Hoque


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