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2023-09-26 13:54:10

Five targets of AL before polls

@ Selecting popular candidate @ Attract young voters @ Centre-based committee @ Prepare a smart manifesto @ Resolve factional-feud.

Rafiqul Islam Rony

Five targets of AL before polls

The ruling Awami League (AL) thinks that the next parliamentary election will be held as per the Constitution and will also be competitive with the participation of all political parties. For this reason, the party is taking necessary planning to come into power for the fourth consecutive term.

Party insiders said leaders of Awami League are moving forward with five targets. These targets are – selecting a popular candidate at every constituency, forming a centre-based committee, attractive election manifesto for young voters, resolving factional feuds and trying to win the hearts of the voters by presenting development works. 

Awami League Presidium Member Dr. Mostafa Jalal Mohiuddin told Bangladesh Pratidin that the BNP will participate in the next election although it has not uttered this yet.

“We have information that BNP is secretly taking preparations for polls. We also want an acceptable election with the participation of all registered parties. The popularity of all parties should be checked. The election will be held in time as per the Constitution keeping Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as the head of the government.”

He said, “We have many plans. We are giving the highest emphasis on selecting the most popular candidates. Awami League president herself is doing this job.”

Ganabhaban and Prime Minister’s Office sources said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has started selecting the party’s candidates ahead of the next election. She is selecting popular candidates considering BNP’s participation in the polls. Many lawmakers of the current parliament have been given nominations for their positive image and popularity. They are now giving time at the grassroots level. Some new candidates have already been given the green signal for nomination.   

The source also said Awami League wants to come into the state power again depending on development works and acceptable and popular candidates.  

Awami League has started to complete committees at the grassroots level. Party chief Sheikh Hasina has already directed the policymaking body in this regard. Tenure of some committees of 78 organizational districts of the Awami League has expired. The party won’t hold a new council for the committee before the election. Its central committee has sent letters to the district units to give full committees where councils were held. Narail and Borguna district units have been sent letters to complete the full committees in a hurry. Mymensingh city unit Awami League has sent a full committee within one day and the committee has already been approved.

Party sources said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will return to the country next month after completing the UN Assembly. After that, she will take part in several rallies in different districts in October. She is scheduled to inaugurate some mega projects in the same month. The prime minister will seek votes for the boat from the people sending them the message of the development. Responsible leaders have already started work to make success the rallies by turning these into human seas. 

Contacted, Awami League Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim said, “Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina made massive development in the country during her three consecutive terms. People are getting the positive results of the development. She will open some mega projects next month and will hold rallies in the respective areas. Sheikh Hasina will send a message of development and also seek votes from the people.”

Bahauddin Nasim said the premier will hold rallies in Khulna, Barisal, Chattogram and Dhaka. Party leaders and activists will be energized alongside ‘development demonstration’ in these rallies. Awami League’s divisional joint secretaries and organising secretaries are very busy with the local committees. They have started to form centre-based committees in electoral constituencies. This work is going on in full swing all over the country. All centre-based committees will be completed before November. Besides, works are underway to resolve internal feuds at district and upazila levels. 

Awami League's organizing secretary SM Kamal Hossain, who is in charge of Rajshahi division told Bangladesh Pratidin that centre-based committees are being formed at each seat ahead of the election. All internal problems are being solved. The message of unity is being given at the district, upazila, municipality and ward level Awami League.  

Like in previous elections, the ruling party will give an election manifesto this time targeting young and women voters. It will also emphasize education and health in the manifesto. Awami League has named its all electoral activities after ‘Road to Smart Bangladesh’. Smart corners are being set up at all party offices across the country. The message of the election will be reached from door to door by a disciplined campaign team under the initiative. The party has arranged a training programme for this.    

On September 18, Road to Smart Bangladesh’ was inaugurated at AL’s Bangabandhu Avenue office. These trainers will give training to partymen throughout the country. The next election campaign will be conducted through smart corners across the country. These smart corners will be an effective way to send the development message of the prime minister to the people.     

@ The article was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on September 26, 2023 and has been rewritten in English by Golam Rosul.

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