E-Paper বাংলা
2023-10-04 11:28:57

Out-of-touch MPs, ministers not to be nominated

Rafiqul Islam Roni

Out-of-touch MPs, ministers not to be nominated

In a significant move, the ruling party Awami League has decided that MPs, ministers who have not visited their constituency regularly may not get nominations in the upcoming national parliamentary election. The decision comes after complaints from party leaders and workers that many MPs have been neglecting their constituencies and not focusing on their work.

After being elected as an MP, in the last four and a half years, some have gone to their constituencies once, some have gone two or four times, from party leaders and workers to ordinary people, even when they came to the capital, they could not find the public representative. Some went once or twice a year to participate in government programs. The MP ministers who have come to Dhaka after completing the program in the District Circuit House or Upazila Dak Bungalow will not get nominations this time.

Awami League President Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will not nominate MPs who have made themselves godfathers, eliminating the Awami League, and creating 'MP League', 'Bhai League' or 'Bhabi League', 'Relative League', and terrorist forces'.

In this regard, the prime minister cleared the parliamentarians in the meeting of the central executive parliament and the parliamentary party of Awami League.

In several meetings, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said, “I have the survey report. According to the report, those who have done good work, who go to the people, talk about the development of Awami League, ask for votes, see the facilities of the people, and those who are wanted by the people will be nominated. Those who are isolated, who do not have good relations with the people of the area, do not go to the area - they will not be nominated.”

Several leaders of Awami League's policy-making forum have also confirmed such information. They said that the Awami League president will be on the hard-line for party nominations this time. Do not nominate anyone who is controversial. Nomination will not be given to MPs who have not visited the area for a long time and have not heard about the happiness and sorrows of party leaders and workers.

The schedule of parliamentary elections may be announced in November. The polls are scheduled to be held in January next year. Because of that, Awami League has started election preparations. The work of making the manifesto has already started. At the same time, the survey work is going on to select the candidates. Several rounds of survey work have been completed.

There are complaints against several MP ministers of the Awami League in the current Parliament. They did not visit the area even once in a year. Some have visited the area once in the last four and a half years. But the people did not respond to that MP's call.

Many MPs have only gone to the area to inaugurate various government programs. Although one or two leaders close to the MP met, most of the leaders and workers or common people could not gather near the MP. The list of these MPs has been prepared. Which is on the table of party president Sheikh Hasina.

Awami League presidium member Lt Colonel Mohammad Farooq Khan (Retd) told Bangladesh Pratidin, “Not only in national parliament elections but in any election, Awami League nominates the most popular person. Nomination is not given to anyone who has no connection with people, party leaders, and workers in the area. The same will happen in the parliamentary elections. Nomination will be given to a person who is worker-friendly, popular, and who wins the election.”

Several sources of Awami League said that the BNP will come in the 12th national parliament election - that election will be tough and challenging - the high command of Awami League is planning on this. For that reason, those who have a good image in the area, are educated, elegant, and come forward in the danger of people, more nominations will be given this time from within.

According to several leaders associated with the electoral process of Awami League, there are allegations of tender-bribery, usurpation, 'godfather', and 'dissociation' against at least 100 members of parliament of Awami League in the current parliament.

There are many allegations against them, including controlling the area with their brothers and sisters, taking over the market, taking over the pond, making them presidents of schools and colleges, and other allegations. The work of collecting information about them through the party structure has already been completed.

This time, new leaders will be nominated in hundreds of seats. Because the people of the area are angry with those who are members of parliament for various reasons. New faces will be nominated, excluding those against whom this anger is more. The party will benefit from this. Because everyone is attracted to the new. You can capitalize on this attraction and take advantage of it. Controversies will also be punished.

According to several sources of Awami League, in the last parliamentary elections, several people with a clean image, and old sacrificing leaders were nominated by the party. But many have already been controversial for being non-political people. Party leaders and workers are neglected and deprived.

Awami League Presidium Dr Mustafa Jalal Mohiuddin told Bangladesh Pratidin, “Party leader Sheikh Hasina is repeatedly surveying the parliamentary elections. The nomination will be given based on the survey. Those who are divisive, and controversial will not get party nominations. At the same time, those who ignored the party leaders and workers while they were MPs, did not stay in the constituency, left the party, and formed 'brother league', 'MP league', and relatives league will burn their foreheads. Because Bangabandu’s daughter will not nominate any marginalized person.”

(The report was published in Bengali on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on October 04 and rewritten in English by Tanvir Raihan)

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