E-Paper বাংলা
2023-12-19 15:35:37

26 JaPa candidates worried over independent contestants

Shafiqul Islam Sohag

26 JaPa candidates worried over independent contestants

The ruling party Awami League (AL) decided to give concessions of 26 seats to the candidates of Jatiya Party (JaPa) in upcoming national elections scheduled to be held on January 7. However, the JaPa candidates are very much worried about their success to become winners as the independent candidates of AL were also contesting in those constituencies.

The leaders of JaPa of those constituencies said, “Even though there’re no boat symbols in those constituencies, the local leaders and activists are working for the independent candidates of ruling party. The activists and supporters of those independent candidates will vote for them whatever symbol they get. In this circumstance, the JaPa candidates are not so hopeful about their victory.”

Meanwhile, the JaPa candidates who didn’t get the consideration from the ruling party are in frustration and anguish. The candidates who are contesting in 283 constituencies with ‘Langal’ (plough) symbol said the opinion of the root-level leaders-activists have been neglected in the whole procedure from nominations to understanding over seat-sharing.

They think there was hidden understanding that was similar to betrayal to the leaders-activists of the party and it would harm the party in the long run.

JaPa candidates worried over independent contestants: According to the sources, the AL men who have become independent candidates this time are not getting any objection from the party. The matter created dissatisfaction in Jatiya Party as they’ve objection over the presence of independent candidates of AL in the national elections.

There’re many reasons behind the tensions lingering over Jatiya Party. Formally, they are the main opposition in the parliament, but their organizational strength has become weak across the country. Already, there is huge negative impression over the party as they were with the ruling party despite of their identity of the opposition. People regard them as ‘Obedient opposition party’ or “B-team’ of AL, who has to rely on AL’s support to go to the parliament. So, people’s support is very negligible to them.

According to the result of some latest elections, except the election in Rangpur City Corporation, Jatiya Party couldn’t do well. Even, they didn’t get good number of votes in many constituencies. Even, the candidates of Islami Andolon got better number of votes than those of JaPa.

Hence, the leaders of the party feared that they might see terrible results if the election is held in free, fair and neutral.

Anger-frustration of candidates who didn’t get concession from AL: There is anger-frustration among the Jatiya Party candidates who are contesting in 283 seats without getting concessions from AL. The party's secretary general Mujibul Haque Chunnu said there was no agreement on seats with the Awami League. But, Jatiya Party made a 'secret agreement' on 26 seats.

It is known that the agreement was finalized in the meeting of Jatiya Party leaders with Awami League last Friday night. Some leaders including the party's top level leaders Kazi Firoz Rashid, Syed Abu Hossain Babla, Salma Islam, Liakat Hossain Khoka, Nasreen Hawladar Ratna, Pir Fazlur Rahman were excluded in the seat adjustment. Even though the leaders in charge of coordination knew that they were being left out, they kept the matter under wraps and 'staged the drama' until the last minute of withdrawal of nominations on Sunday.

In a press conference on Sunday afternoon, the party's general secretary Mujibul Haque Chunnu avoided the issue of Jatiya Party's agreement with Awami League in 283 seats. According to sources, two days before the withdrawal of nominations, Jatiya Party made a 'secret agreement' on the condition of formally withdrawing the boat candidates in 26 seats. The concerned took the strategy of not revealing the matter so that the revolt of the party candidates of the remaining 257 seats does not come to light. The candidates who did not get exemption from AL say that even though GM Quader himself, his wife Sherifa Quader, Co-Chairman Anisul Islam Mahmud, General Secretary Mujibul Haque Chunnu have repeatedly negotiated to protect their interests, they have not been able to do anything for the party's abandoned middle-class leaders. GM Quader and Chunnu had promised Trinamool leaders and workers that they would never act like 'broker' for any party, but they did not keep that promise for their 'personal interest' of becoming MPs. Therefore, most of the leaders and workers of the party are now extremely angry with the conciliatory top leaders of the Jatiya Party.

It is feared that the candidates and supporters of 257 constituencies left out of the secret agreement may create anarchy. Many of them will become angry and inactive in the elections. At the end, central leader Kazi Firoz Rashid, Mir Abdur Sabur Asud, Mohammad Shafiqul Islam Sentu and many others withdrew their nomination. Although some have withdrawn their party candidature due to lack of agreement, many top leaders of the party are staying in the election field. Among them, party co-chairman Syed Abu Hossain Babla is contesting in Dhaka-4, Presidium member Liakat Hossain Khoka in Narayanganj-3, Presidium member Mustafa Al Mahmud in Jamalpur, current Member of Parliament Pir Fazlur Rahman Misbah and many others.

When asked, Syed Abu Hossain Babla didn’t want to make comment on seat compromise. But he said, “I have worked as a member of parliament for the last 10 years in the area. I stood by the people in both the good and hard times. For this, a mass tide has been created in favor of the plough symbol.

He said, yesterday, I officially started the campaign with more than 7 thousand activists and supporters from Dolaipar Amir Tower of Shyampur Police Station. I can win if there is a fair vote.

Narayanganj-3 (Sonargaon) Constituency candidate Liakat Hossain Khoka said he will be in the election field till the end.

He said, “I am busy in the constituency for the election. If the election is fair and impartial, I will win without compromise, inshallah.”

A candidate of the party deprived of the compromise seat said on the condition of anonymity that when elections come, a vested group always takes advantage. The leaders did not keep their word even though it was said that no special person will be given benefits without the opinion of the grassroots. The chairman of the party could not stand by his words. The leaders and workers no longer have faith in him.

(The report was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on December 19 and rewritten in English by Lutful Hoque) ​​


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