E-Paper বাংলা
2024-07-28 18:08:07

Where is Awami League in country?

@ Questions arise over organizational inactiveness @ Wonder about the disappearance of many ministers-lawmakers

Rafiqul Islam Rony

Where is Awami League in country?

Awami League has been in state power for the last 16 years at a stretch. Thousands of men from the BNP and Jamaat joined the Awami League during the period through ministers and parliamentarians. Many of them got posts and positions in the Awami League. There was always a crowd of party leaders and activists at every procession, program, party president’s Dhanmondi office and party’s central office. There was no space vacant at every rally organized by the party.           

A ‘protocol’ force was also formed to receive and see off the central leaders and ministers. Around 100 so-called ‘league’ organisations were founded alongside eight affiliates and two fraternal organisations of the Awami League during the last 16 years. There was a common word spread everywhere that-‘Nowadays the leaves of the trees also do Awami League.’ 

Not only had these, a top leader of the central Awami League said, “If I make a collision unconsciously with a person at the Awami League office, he says that he is an Awami League leader.” However, these so-called leaders were not found during the recent quota-reform movement. Awami League couldn’t face organizationally against that movement. Many ministers and lawmakers went self-disappearance during the anti-quota movement.    

Party sources said it was out of imagination to the Awami League that the party would have to accept the huge knock during its continuation of power for 15 years. It has been a matter of headache that why leaders and activists of the party can’t turn around despite support from the police administration. There was a lack of coordination. Awami League men didn’t get instructions in time. The party’s chain of command was also collapsed.       

There was no regular committee of the ruling party at the ward level in Dhaka for the last couple of years. Dhaka city unit Awami League is being run by unskilled and incompetent leadership. Many of them bought party posts by money. Many intruders joined the party. For these reasons, Awami League is on the verge of crippling. The organizational weakness of the Awami League was shown during the recent quota-reform movement.   

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader recently met the party leaders of Dhaka in phases to know the reasons behind the lack of coordination. In those meetings, the road transport and bridges ministers acknowledged that failing to resist mayhem during the quota movement was the failure of the party, its affiliates and fraternal organisations. Now a question has arisen in the party where is a large number of Awami League men in country? Many dedicated Awami League men said opportunists joined the party to make money and use power. They have no loyalty to the Awami League. That’s why they hide during the party’s crisis period.     

Political analysts said the quota reform movement was a test case and a symbol of organizational weakness for the Awami League. This scene is applicable at units of the party across the country. The field politics of the Awami League is almost a vacuum due to its power-based politics. Opportunists reign the party, and dedicated members of the party are inactive. Awami League will have to operate a clean drive in the party. Bringing a change in the leadership from the central to the grassroots level is mandatory. Former student leaders and dedicated persons should be included in the party. If unfit people get posts and positions with money, Awami League might have to face tougher situations in the future, they opined.     

Contacted, political analyst and former vice-chancellor of the National University, Harun-or-Rashid told Bangladesh Pratidin that Awami League couldn’t feel the deep of the situation over the quota movement. Many intruders joined the party in exchange for money. Many opportunists made money during the last 15 years. So they didn’t want to take risks and stayed on the safe side.     

Policymakers of the party said Awami League men always thronged the Bangladesh Secretariat and all government offices. But where did they hide while anarchists destroyed the public properties by vandalism and arson terrorism during the quota-reform movement? Is Awami League so weak party? Which couldn’t minimum resist the movement, they questioned.     

Many Awami League leaders acknowledged that their party has become dependent on the police and administration in the last era. Many hybrids from the Freedom Party, Jamaat-Shibir joined the Awami League by the top leaders of district units. Where are they now?

Political analysts think the quota-reform movement has opened the eyes of the Awami League. It will have to bring dedicated men to the frontline. Otherwise, the party will face dire consequences in future.

@ The article was published on print and online versions of The Bangladesh Pratidin on July 28, 2024, and has been rewritten in English by Golam Rosul.

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